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Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:58 am
by Meilingkie
As I told earlier. Our SP wants to help refugees in Dunkirk, a 4hr drive from our Stake.
They already had several actions and visits.

So people are now doing what they do best, procrastinate and digging their heels in.
A letter I sent to some people helped a bit in exposing some issues about the camp being illegal......

Our Stake RSP told the SP to please send them wool and knittinggear.
The poor lads have nothing to do anyway she said, so why should we sisters knit blankets???
SP was pretty upset about it.

His BIL, bishop of his homeward said he wants nothing to do with it as long a the planning sucks.
SP was pretty upset about it.

His other BIL said he refuses to help illegals.
SP was pretty upset about it.

His brother who is a bishop said members in his ward are stretched too thin as it is already.
SP was pretty upset about it.

My BP said our ward has people in distress and they take precedence.
SP Was pretty upset about it.

3 Wards out of 7 collected food as the SP requested, members specifically sent Haram-food. (canned Pork, dried sausages etc)
99% of the refugees are muslim, but the organisation didn´t specify this.
SP and his wife were crying when they found out about these acts of "sabotage".

One brother sent lifepreservers and an old dinghy, the refugees want tyo go to England anyway........ Help them out this way.

Shall we say our Stake is in rebellion, it looks like it at least.............
I am loving every minute of it.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:13 pm
by MoPag
That's sad.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:41 pm
by Meilingkie
My DW said: The camp is illegal, not authorized by the government of France
There are many people here who can+t get by, who require assistance
SP has put BP´s under orders to refrain from fastoffering, and now we assist in his petproject?
Refugees, most of tehm male who left their women and children in Syria etc.??

Yes you could call it sad, but there are more sides than 2 to this story.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:12 pm
by MoPag
Meilingkie wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2017 1:41 pm My DW said: The camp is illegal, not authorized by the government of France
There are many people here who can+t get by, who require assistance
SP has put BP´s under orders to refrain from fastoffering, and now we assist in his petproject?
Refugees, most of tehm male who left their women and children in Syria etc.??

Yes you could call it sad, but there are more sides than 2 to this story.
Oh okay. I was thinking legal refugee camp, with mostly mothers and kids. The kinds we see on tv here in the US.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:38 pm
by 2bizE
Should relief of human suffering only be provided to those legally refuged?

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:18 pm
by GoodBoy
If they are all young men as claimed, they should be given construction jobs to do and paid minimum wage so they can feed themselves and send some money back to their families. There are bound to be solutions that enable them to help themselves. I know if I was stuck in a camp I would very much want a chance to do something constructive.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:34 pm
by MoPag
2bizE wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:38 pm Should relief of human suffering only be provided to those legally refuged?
Well it should be provided no matter what IMO. But I can see how TBMs might not want to get involved with something "illegal."

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:03 pm
by Meilingkie
The SP wants us to help a camp.
The local mayor condones it, but the government in Paris wants it gone.

That's one issue right there.

We have many problems with refugees here.
And our own experience is different.
In the war we sent our women and Children where possible and the men fought back.
With these refugees it's 80% able young men.

My DW worked at a local camp here last year, it was harrowing, the disrespect the majority showed her. Because she'sa woman and Christian.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:55 pm
by moksha
It would be easier to help refugees that would not ultimately end up in threatening the values of Western Civilization. I imagine the last thing the Netherlands or Western Europe needs is more Sharia law and acts of terrorism.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 4:10 am
by Vlad the Emailer
What a mess.

Our new pres wants to put up a wall to keep out illegals. What he's dealing with is nothing like that.

Re: Stakepresident wants to help refugees

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 9:42 am
by Silver Girl
It's sad that the combination of oppressiveness in the church and political tension creates that type of attitude toward others. I know there are many sides to the story (I live in a border state in the US), but still...