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Standing in the circle?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:05 pm
by dandycustard
Ok, so since my disaffection 2 years ago I've done some research into what I can and cannot do now that my temple recommend has expired. I've discovered that I am still able to baptize my children if they decide to be baptized, so long as I am not guilty of any great sin. However, I would not be able to confirm them due to my not being temple worthy (ie: not having a recommend due to lack of belief, not lack of living Mormon lifestyle).

So here's the question. My nephew is getting baptized in two weeks. We talked about it at family dinner with my unawares family members. Naturally it was concluded we would all be in the circle. Am I allowed to be in the circle to confirm given that I have no current temple recommend? I pay tithing (by my/early church definition), I live the law of chastity, I'm following the word of wisdom...I just don't believe any of it, so I cannot honestly answer the first two questions of the temple recommend interview.

Anyone have experience here? It will be an awkward day (and rest of my life) if I have to sit out the confirmation and explain my temple recommend expired and start fielding questions. If anyone can illuminate this topic with some further light and knowledge I would be much obliged. Thanks!

Re: Standing in the circle?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:11 pm
by Enoch Witty
I think you're good. You don't believe, so it's not a question of whether you're "allowed," but whether you'll be caught. It's very unlikely that they will be checking temple recommends at the baptism (I have played piano for dozens and have never seen it happen). There's the possibility of a hardass bishop, but if you run into that, just say, "Oh man, I took my TR out of my wallet for [reasons]. Guess I can't do it, guys. Sorry!"

Plan some for some contingencies, definitely, but the most likely scenario is that they'll say, "All worthy men are welcome to come join the circle," and randoms will be involved. At least that's been my experience, but I've never lived in the Morridor.

Re: Standing in the circle?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:59 pm
by Red Ryder
Your problem isn't policy. It's Bishop roulette.

Policy will allow you to stand in the circle without a TR. You may run into the situation where you're visiting a ward and that Bishop asks to see your TR to verify your priesthood. This happened to me once with a brother in law invite. I just told the Bishop I didn't have it on me but I had one (I didn't say it was expired). No problems.

Baptism and Confirmation: you are correct. You can dunk but not tell the Holy Ghost what to do.

Ordinations: you can ordain to aaronic priesthood offices without a TR. I ordained my son to be a super deacon without a TR. The Bishop didn't even asked, but rather expected I would because he's my son. Bishop roulette. If you run into a bad Bishop, pull out the Boyd Packer talk where he mentions the story of the inactive dad ordaining his son.

Blessings: one night getting home from work I walked into the house to find a nice lady, my wife, and the Bishop all waiting for me so I could assist with a blessing. I was asked to do it by the lady I never met before and just faked it hard core. Everyone was in tears and it bought me some spiritual capital with the wife and Bishop. The lady survived whatever I blessed her to heal from. Disingenuous for sure, but not anymore than Joseph Smith making it all up.

It's really up to the Bishop to stop you. Don't ask for permission but rather assume your going to participate until your told you can't!

Re: Standing in the circle?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:57 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Interestingly enough I let my recommend expire, and had a super awkward interview where I didn't elaborate much about my current state of belief (kept it super vague) and he still let me baptize AND confirm my daughter. I'm playing this roulette card with the next bishop if he tries to restrict anything. He didn't even try to rattle off the recommend questions. It was really wierd, but I'm grateful to the guy. So don't ever assume you can't do something, just do it, or act like there's no problem so they let you do it.

Re: Standing in the circle?

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:00 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Red Ryder wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 2:59 pm
It's really up to the Bishop to stop you. Don't ask for permission but rather assume your going to participate until your told you can't!
This 100%. Make the church work on your terms as much as you can get away with.