#8- Restoration of the Priesthood

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deacon blues
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#8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by deacon blues »

This is an interesting lesson because of the uncertainty of the circumstances surrounding the restoration of the Melchiezedek Priesthood. Section 27 implies that it happened in 1829, or at the latest, before August of 1830. However the current section 27 has been edited, and, and though it is dated August 1830, only the first 4 1/2 verses appear in the handwritten 1831 revelations, or the 1832 Morning and Evening Star, or the 1833 Book of Commandments. Not until the 1835 D&C do the last 14 1/2 verses appear, which mention Peter, James, and John giving the priesthood to Joseph and Oliver. Church history recorded before that, seems to suggest that the Melchiezedek priesthood, and/or maybe just the office of High Priest was first received at a conference in Kirtland, Ohio in June of 1831. Why the account of Peter, James, and John bringing the Priesthood does not appear in print until much later is still debated.
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Re: #8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by FiveFingerMnemonic »

Rough Stone Rolling page 75:
"The late appearance of these accounts raises the possibility of later fabrication".

- Richard Bushman
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Re: #8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by Emower »

FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:01 pm Rough Stone Rolling page 75:
"The late appearance of these accounts raises the possibility of later fabrication".

- Richard Bushman
That's my vote.
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Re: #8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by Anon70 »

Emower wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:47 pm [quote=FiveFingerMnemonic post_id=8980 time=<a href="tel:1487361710">1487361710</a> user_id=272]
Rough Stone Rolling page 75:
"The late appearance of these accounts raises the possibility of later fabrication".

- Richard Bushman
That's my vote.

Ditto. And I feel the same way about the first vision. All 4, 6 or 9 versions :shock:
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Re: #8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by 2bizE »

A real, honest question here. Is there anything of importance in Mormonism that was not altered or later added to it? If we developed a timeline of when things actually were entered into the record, I don't think we would find anything that was recorded when it actually happened.
BoM: thousands of changes
D$C: everything of significance was added much later. Priesthood, polygamy,
First Vision: 9 versions, all different and added to later. Exception is the 1832, which J fielding Smith cut out and hid in his office safe for 30 years. Then taped it back in with scotch tape.
Is there anything prior to 1978 that wasn't altered and changed?
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Re: #8- Restoration of the Priesthood

Post by Corsair »

2bizE wrote: Mon Feb 20, 2017 9:09 pm A real, honest question here. Is there anything of importance in Mormonism that was not altered or later added to it? If we developed a timeline of when things actually were entered into the record, I don't think we would find anything that was recorded when it actually happened.
BoM: thousands of changes
D$C: everything of significance was added much later. Priesthood, polygamy,
First Vision: 9 versions, all different and added to later. Exception is the 1832, which J fielding Smith cut out and hid in his office safe for 30 years. Then taped it back in with scotch tape.
Is there anything prior to 1978 that wasn't altered and changed?
I imagine that the "Lectures on Faith" remained largely the same, except for how it was removed from the LDS canon.
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