My wife's aunt shared the following link to Facebook ( ... an-efforts). The big take-home 'Wow' messages were that the church spends 40 million dollars per year on welfare, and has spent a cumulative 1.2 billion (maybe since the beginning of time?).
If you divide the reported 40 million spent on welfare per year by the number of members they report (15 million), that is less than 3 dollars per member per year. I wonder if that number includes fast offerings. If you divide by the estimated number of active members (4.5 million) that number jumps to almost 9 dollars per member per year!!!! Wow! Compare that to how much tithing you paid per year.
Lets compare that against their estimated annual income of about 7 billion per year ( ... -indicates). That means they spend about 1/2 of one percent of their income helping the poor.
They also talk about all of the thousands of hours of welfare service, I also wonder if they put a value on that service and included it as well. I'm sure that much of the "service" that they counted was service to "build the kingdom" or in other words, service to itself.
Church Welfare Math
Church Welfare Math
Always been the good kid, but I wanted to know more, and to find and test truth.