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Boy Scouts allows Transgender kids identifying as male

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:24 am
by Korihor ... r-children

This hit the news outlets recently. The BSA allows transgenders. This should cause some consternation within the LDS ranks. The comments on the SL Trib link above are especially entertaining.

OK, so I understand why this is a wee bit controversial, especially in a religiously charged environment, even the LDS Church. It really does open up some differences between doctrine and policy, etc.

That being said - here is my take. A kid just wants to be with his peers and have a good time. Maybe this kid is born female but feels drawn to the male side. Maybe not. Maybe a kid is born male but has female stereotypical behaviors. Maybe not.

So the Boy Scouts is trying to be a bit more inclusive and let kids have a good time with their peers at a time they are trying to figure out who they are, what's the problem. Maybe we should be appreciative the biggest problems facing our society is trying to figure out if we are a boy or girl. That means we're not focused on basic survival or economic stability.
Maybe a transgender boy will appreciate they kindness shown them instead of being ostracized. Maybe he will realize, nope - I'm a girl, but thanks for helping me figure that out. Maybe he will say, yup, I'm a boy in a girls body - thanks for helping me figure that out.

Re: Boy Scouts allows Transgender kids identifying as male

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:37 am
by True Believer
To be honest, most LDS people I know don't care as much about FTM transgender people, even if they believe it is a sin. The reason being is that for a TBM mindset, women aren't interested in sex or sexuality. They consider a FTM person as just a tomboy, which can be tolerated to some degree.

On the other hand, a MTF transgendered people in a TBM mind is sex obsessed, because biological men have zero control of their sex drive, and a MTF transgendered person obviously just wants to get more access to women that they can sexually assault. The reason that a MTF would want to use a women's bathroom is strictly for voyeuristic reasons. They reason a MTF youth would want to join the girl scouts is because they want to sexually touch or see girls when their guard is down.

Re: Boy Scouts allows Transgender kids identifying as male

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:21 pm
by Enoch Witty
After all the negative press about homosexual leaders and troop members, I'm honestly surprised the BSA took this route without a very long, very painful public relations battle first. Perhaps they're learning! :)

Looking forward to any church fallout, though I predict it will pass by largely unnoticed in the TBM ranks.

Re: Boy Scouts allows Transgender kids identifying as male

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 12:39 pm
by Hagoth
Satan has finally taken control of the BSA. The next thing you know they'll be giving merit badges for Meth Cookology, Peeping Tommery and Islamic Studies.

Re: Boy Scouts allows Transgender kids identifying as male

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:29 pm
by moksha
Sometimes the genotype throws the phenotype a curveball and vice versa. When this happens, it is incumbent of the wise to be sensitive and supportive of any helpful remediation. Can Mormons rise to this occasion and grasp this wisdom or must they be mired in doctrinaire responses? Need to wait and see.