Do Utah alcohol laws put it below the average?
Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 1:53 pm
First off, this KSL news article shows the blatant disregard of the separation of Church and State that Utah continually suffers from. Thanks Captain Obvious! ... iquor-laws
Looks like Jeff from Layton is recommending getting rid of the Zion Curtain in eating establishments where minors are now protected from seeing the filling of beer glasses or mixing of strong drinks. What the article does not cover is which laws are being strengthened.
So this statement made me say "hmmmm."
If it's silly to think it's more offensive to see liquids poured into glasses at a restaurant, it being somehow more detrimental to youth and kids than walking down the beer isle at the grocery story, then they at least solved that one for our pretty great state. ... iquor-laws
Looks like Jeff from Layton is recommending getting rid of the Zion Curtain in eating establishments where minors are now protected from seeing the filling of beer glasses or mixing of strong drinks. What the article does not cover is which laws are being strengthened.
So this statement made me say "hmmmm."
So, is Utah's lower incident of alcohol related bad things attributed to it's creative and more restrictive liquor laws or is it because the dominant religion in the state strictly enforces the WoW through it's indoctrination? In other words, most of the population follows the rules of it's corporate leaders, so they could care less what happens in a bar, as most don't hang out there and they don't shop at liquor stores. Thanks for saving us: LDS church influence over Utah legislation for social protection."The benefits of Utah's alcohol laws — which have served Utah well for decades — are often overlooked. Utah has been well below the national average in devastating alcohol-related societal costs like underage drinking, alcohol-related traffic deaths and binge drinking."
If it's silly to think it's more offensive to see liquids poured into glasses at a restaurant, it being somehow more detrimental to youth and kids than walking down the beer isle at the grocery story, then they at least solved that one for our pretty great state.