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Random thought - Priesthood v. Motherhood

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:46 pm
by w2mz
I was reading through Alas' comments on the abortion thread and I had a random lightbulb moment that I hadn't considered before.

Often times I've heard that one reason women don't get to hold the priesthood is because they get to experience pregnancy and giving birth. I've heard and read comment before about how if the two were equal, priesthood and motherhood, then why can men use the ph outside of marriage, get to use it from the time they're adolescent males, etc. But what I hadn't thought of is, how many men have DIED while in the process of giving a blessing, setting someone apart for a calling, passing the sacrament, etc.

With pregnancy and child birth, the commitment from the woman and her body is immense, i.e. she shares her organs with another living person. And, the reality is that death to the woman is a risk.

The comparison to holding the priesthood and the process of pregnancy and childbirth is ridiculous the more I think about it.

Anyway... kind of a throwaway thought, but struck a chord with me tonight.

Re: Random thought - Priesthood v. Motherhood

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 11:36 pm
by hiding in plain sight
I agree with your "throwaway" thought. It feel spot on.

Plus it always bugged me when I heard this analogy.

Being a mother and being a father more comparable than:

being a mother and holding the priesthood.

Men get to be both a priesthood holder as well as a father.

why do women only get one?

Re: Random thought - Priesthood v. Motherhood

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:07 pm
by MoPag
Wonderful points, both of you!

I always hated that Priesthood v. Motherhood argument even when I was TBM. It's a b*tch slap in the face to the Mormon women who aren't or can't, or even didn't want to be mothers.

Also, non LDS women can be mothers, so why can't non LDS men hold the priesthood? :?

Re: Random thought - Priesthood v. Motherhood

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:12 pm
by trophywife26.2
And motherhood is not power and influence. I think the Priesthood is imaginary, but the power that comes with it in the church to make decisions, spend money, make policies, rise through church ranks, etc. IS very, very real.

That's why I respect Ordain Women so much. I don't get involved with their actions because I'm not involved with the church, but I 100% support that women should have real power in the church.