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What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 5:37 pm
by moksha
The stakes near the proposed McKinney Temple in Texas were instructed to mention how the height of the temple steeple was essential to the LDS faith at the city planning and zoning meeting. I suspect the Church was trying to push this lie so the steeple height would be less of a stumbling block. The Church packed the meeting room and many Saints repeated this lie.

Finally, one lone LDS member stood and repudiated the lie. He said that the steeple height has nothing to do with his faith. He said he was disappointed in the Church and his stake president for pushing this lie.

I am very curious as to how the Church will punish this honest Mormon for telling the truth.

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 9:31 pm
by Angel
Nice to hear one brave soul, but he sounds mistaken- from the tower of Babble to the Rameumptum, the *true* church has always taught the principle that the higher the steeple on great and spacious buildings, the closer they are to God (probably so they can get better cell reception for their prayers)

Biggest steeple, pure doctrine (not trying to compensate for anything), it's one of the articles of faith, to build large steeples.

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 11:34 pm
by alas
Haven’t you ever heard that steeples pointing up are phallic symbols? The higher the steeple, the better the reception on the priesthood antenna. You have a building with no steeple, you may as well give the priesthood to women. Very much having good steeples is part of our doctrine, more a part f our doctrine than that blacks were less valiant in the preexistance. That turned out to be just policy, but having the proper steeple is deeply symbolic of penises and men’s sacred priesthood.

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 8:04 am
by Conman52
I'm all for steeple less temples !!!!

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 1:18 pm
by Palerider
The interesting thing about the "Honest Mormon" is that there so few of them to be found.

Honest Mormons have a short life span because by stating the truth, they force other less honest Mormons to deal with reality, burst their bubble and experience the pain of grappling with their own mendacity when they get called out.
Let the shunning begin.....

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 12:26 pm
by Red Ryder

I was taught that the steeple was an eventual angelic portal to heaven and that in some future time a heavenly elevator would be installed. Righteous members would receive the keys of ascension, the elevator passcode, and have to shake hands with the elevator man. So of course it was part of our doctrine.

I was also taught to lie. In 12 year old worthiness interviews, missionary stats reporting, home teaching numbers, and all other forms of Mormon lying for the Lord.
The above paragraph falls under that category. 😂🤣😂

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 9:54 pm
by moksha

Re: What happens to the Honest Mormon?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 7:00 am
by Hagoth
Exhibit A: The Paris temple: