From 15th to 23rd
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 3:27 am
As progressive Americans force feed the country their Marxist religious ideology, America falls from 15th on the global happiness scale to 23rd for the first time ever.
Progressivism is so simple to understand. Let's compare Progressivism to the strategy of the Mormon church. The Mormon church survives by convincing its members that there's no other organization in the world that has the authority or abundance of information that can save them from a dreadful and unfulfilled mortal life. Mormonism tells its members it is the only way to happiness. In a religion, this kind of fear tactic can work because outside the religion, life can be balanced out by normal day to day activities that have nothing to do with said religion. A Mormon can go to work and never talk to someone about their religious beliefs. They can go to the store, live life as a free American.
But the progressives are attempting to make their religious beliefs not only part of America's way of life that allows one to escape its tentacles when one desires, they are forcing people to accept that Progressivism is the only way to live because all other ideologies are either racist, homophobic, misogynistic, white Supremacy, Transphobic and so on and so on. They are forcing people through fear to accept their beliefs or face being labeled an outsider, racist or pick your label. Their goal is to force people to be happy with their Marxist lifestyle or you're going to regret being outside the progressive influence and lifestyle. Unlike Mormonism, Progressivism is attempting to marry religion and politics so there's only one absolute, only one correct way to live, they don't want people to be able to find anywhere to escape the influence of Progressivism. Their forcing mental slavery upon American citizens in an attempt to wipe out any competition of thought. Their beliefs are anti freedom. Anti woman. Anti everything. And it's making Americans depressed and unhappy. The scary part is, it's becoming so invasive in our youth, that sooner than later, people are going start thinking that the only way Americans can be happy again is by wiping out anyone or any group that opposes the progressive ideology. That's exactly how dictatorships are formed. ... ss-report/
Progressivism is so simple to understand. Let's compare Progressivism to the strategy of the Mormon church. The Mormon church survives by convincing its members that there's no other organization in the world that has the authority or abundance of information that can save them from a dreadful and unfulfilled mortal life. Mormonism tells its members it is the only way to happiness. In a religion, this kind of fear tactic can work because outside the religion, life can be balanced out by normal day to day activities that have nothing to do with said religion. A Mormon can go to work and never talk to someone about their religious beliefs. They can go to the store, live life as a free American.
But the progressives are attempting to make their religious beliefs not only part of America's way of life that allows one to escape its tentacles when one desires, they are forcing people to accept that Progressivism is the only way to live because all other ideologies are either racist, homophobic, misogynistic, white Supremacy, Transphobic and so on and so on. They are forcing people through fear to accept their beliefs or face being labeled an outsider, racist or pick your label. Their goal is to force people to be happy with their Marxist lifestyle or you're going to regret being outside the progressive influence and lifestyle. Unlike Mormonism, Progressivism is attempting to marry religion and politics so there's only one absolute, only one correct way to live, they don't want people to be able to find anywhere to escape the influence of Progressivism. Their forcing mental slavery upon American citizens in an attempt to wipe out any competition of thought. Their beliefs are anti freedom. Anti woman. Anti everything. And it's making Americans depressed and unhappy. The scary part is, it's becoming so invasive in our youth, that sooner than later, people are going start thinking that the only way Americans can be happy again is by wiping out anyone or any group that opposes the progressive ideology. That's exactly how dictatorships are formed. ... ss-report/