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Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2024 11:14 pm
by Mayan_Elephant ... 672219a65f

So that’s it? Disgusting. I effing hate this. I hate the apologists for this bullshit. My daughter graduated from a Georgia University. This could have been her.

Its not Laken Riley’s fault. The killer was here illegally and previously arrested. Thought we were done blaming victims. But, hey, as long as we spin this for the right agenda and ideology, its okay to blame women for these murders? Clowns. NYC can have fake political witchunt trials where there are no victims, but cant lock up killers? Seems like people want to make America worse again.

Re: Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:36 pm
by Mayan_Elephant
Hello? Is anyone home? I recall there are a lot of nationalist-hating globalists on this forum that think open borders are awesome and help win elections against bad guys. Hello? Are you all okay with this?
Updated on: February 26, 2024 / 3:48 PM EST / CBS News

The suspect in the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Hope Riley entered the U.S. illegally from Venezuela, officials said Sunday.

The suspect, 26-year-old Jose Ibarra, was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Sept. 8, 2022, after he unlawfully entered the U.S. near El Paso, Texas, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement.

Ibarra was released by U.S. border officials pending a review of his immigration case, ICE said.

According to the ICE statement, Ibarra was arrested almost a year later, on Aug. 31, 2023, by New York Police Department officers and charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation. The statement did not elaborate on the details of the charges.

However, the NYPD said it has no record of an arrest of Ibarra.
I think murdering women is terrible. I think allowing criminals into the country to be criminals is bad. That doesn't make me a nationalist or an anti-globalist. It just means I have common sense and The Mom taught me to be kind and not be stupid.

Re: Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:22 am
by Dirty Bird
Mayan_Elephant wrote: Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:36 pm Hello? Is anyone home? I recall there are a lot of nationalist-hating globalists on this forum that think open borders are awesome and help win elections against bad guys. Hello? Are you all okay with this?
Updated on: February 26, 2024 / 3:48 PM EST / CBS News

The suspect in the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Hope Riley entered the U.S. illegally from Venezuela, officials said Sunday.

The suspect, 26-year-old Jose Ibarra, was arrested by U.S. Customs and Border Protection on Sept. 8, 2022, after he unlawfully entered the U.S. near El Paso, Texas, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement.

Ibarra was released by U.S. border officials pending a review of his immigration case, ICE said.

According to the ICE statement, Ibarra was arrested almost a year later, on Aug. 31, 2023, by New York Police Department officers and charged with acting in a manner to injure a child less than 17 and a motor vehicle license violation. The statement did not elaborate on the details of the charges.

However, the NYPD said it has no record of an arrest of Ibarra.
I think murdering women is terrible. I think allowing criminals into the country to be criminals is bad. That doesn't make me a nationalist or an anti-globalist. It just means I have common sense and The Mom taught me to be kind and not be stupid.

I think you're confused about why you're not being answered, let me explain.

Whenever I try to bring up anything to do with the gospel to my TBM family members the room will empty in about 3 seconds! Yep, absolutely nothing will be discussed about religion in our family anymore if the subject matter isn't positive toward the doctrine of the LDS church. Last year my entire family was at my sister's house enjoying a barbecue and they invited four missionaries. Everything was going great, my little family understood to not bring up religion to the rest of the extended family because they get really uncomfortable when the subject turns to religion. Out of the blue, one of the missionaries ask if he can connect to the wifi so he can use my sister's TV to share the gospel message with a brand new church video. My sister said yes even though she understood what was about to happen😁. Yes, the missionary thought he was sharing a video to strengthen testimonies of the people at the party, but what ended up happening was after the video ended he gave his testimony and immediately after my kids started grilling him about what he thought about church history. My kids were googling all kinds of questions to ask the missionaries. It got so tense that the missionaries made an excuse that they had another appointment to go to even though it was 8pm. The mood of the party changed after everyone became uncomfortable with the questions my kids were asking, so much so that we felt it was best to leave also, the mood was extremely tense. It was obvious that the questions my kids asked hurt the TBMs and they were very upset.

So when you start a thread with "Liberal/Democrat Propaganda" you are changing the mood of the "room", in the same way my kids did at the party! Can you not tell that the people you are trying to get a response from lean left/progressive? You're disturbing their religion, just like my nonmormon kids disturbed the good feelings of the party by asking hard hitting questions to the people at the party.

Even though I haven't interacted with you that much, M E, you should consider yourself a unique individual for being able to think for yourself. Most exmormons are immediately drawn into the progressive cult as soon as they leave the church. It's as if they're unable to deal with the fact that once one leaves the church and they shed the identity the church gave them from birth, they can't seem to deal with trying to define who they are, so they rely on progressivism to define them because that's the easiest and most comfortable and laziest path. Progressivism is exactly like the Mormon church when it comes to defining who a person is. In 2016 Elder Bednar gave a talk in which he said that after one is baptized into the church, your individual agency is replaced with "representative" agency, in other words, group identity! That's Marxism in a nutshell! Progressivism also relys on group identity. In fact, group identity is the foundation of Progressivism. Progressivism is a religion.

Progressivism and Mormonism are both tools used by powerful men to entrap people into believing individual freedom is scary and that individualism isn't natural. And guess what!!! Freedom is scary! It isn't natural! In fact, no matter if it's mormonism or progressivism, once someone is fully indoctrinated into the cult, it's virtually impossible to make your way out of the web of lies that convinced you that what you accept as truth is actually a bunch of bullshit lies to indoctrinate you into believing the only way for you to be HAPPY is to promote their ideology.

Re: Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:54 am
by Dirty Bird
M E, look at it this way. When you were a True believing Mormon, didn't you feel like you found true freedom through the gospel the brethren taught you from birth? I did! I thought I was one of the luckiest people on earth because I was born into the only true and living gospel on earth. I felt free as a BIRD!!! At the time of my TBM days I didn't realize that I was free, but only free inside the walls of Mormonism. I allowed my parents to "box me in", to build walls around me and then tell me that I'm free to do whatever I want inside those walls. But I should never venture outside of the safety found within the walls because the dangers are great. I truly felt free inside the walls of mormonism, until I didn't. Now I'm a dirty bird.

Progressivism offers the same kind of freedom mormonism does. Once one is convinced that the freedom found within the walls of Progressivism is the only true freedom found on earth, anyone who tries to convince a progressive that real individual freedom can be found on the outside of the walls, is viewed as villian.

Re: Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:47 am
by Mayan_Elephant
Dirty Bird wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:54 am M E, look at it this way. When you were a True believing Mormon, didn't you feel like you found true freedom through the gospel the brethren taught you from birth? I did! I thought I was one of the luckiest people on earth because I was born into the only true and living gospel on earth. I felt free as a BIRD!!! At the time of my TBM days I didn't realize that I was free, but only free inside the walls of Mormonism. I allowed my parents to "box me in", to build walls around me and then tell me that I'm free to do whatever I want inside those walls. But I should never venture outside of the safety found within the walls because the dangers are great. I truly felt free inside the walls of mormonism, until I didn't. Now I'm a dirty bird.

Progressivism offers the same kind of freedom mormonism does. Once one is convinced that the freedom found within the walls of Progressivism is the only true freedom found on earth, anyone who tries to convince a progressive that real individual freedom can be found on the outside of the walls, is viewed as villian.
Interesting. This is all very, very, interesting.
Our criticism of church leaders is a measure of how rebellious we have become. Often, we will find that when we criticize our church leaders it is in an attempt to justify our own unrighteous behavior. Nephi wrote, “And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear… And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.”(20) Whenever we feel inclined to criticize our church leaders, let us take that as a sign that we have strayed off the path and need to repent and follow the will of the Lord. If we feel we have a valid concern, we may take that concern to the individual directly or to a church leader who has the power to correct or release the person thought to be in error. It should not be broadcast before the world.
The above quote is not official doctrine, though, it is more than official orthodoxy. While similar to official doctrine, the official orthodoxy refers to the correct or accepted way of thinking, behaving, or belief within a group. Official orthodoxy implies the ideas and beliefs that are accepted and promoted as the right understanding by the leaders of the organization. However, these may not be as formally codified as official doctrine.

This is exactly what we are experiencing now. The derangement about nationalism has gone beyond the goddamn pale. The derangement about populism may be worse. The derangement about Trump is acceptable now as some new higher moral. And most of this is in the context of abiding by the "thou shall not speak evil of the ideologically anointed." Somehow, it is a grave sin to speak evil of the open border and no-cash bail for murderers. It is a grave sin to speak evil of the clowns that excuse the open borders, inflation, and crime - because not excusing it may insult the anointed. And if a woman is murdered, well, so be it, at least we did not speak evil about globalism, open borders and Kamala Harris, LOL.

Re: Liberal/Democrat Propaganda is More Important Than Women

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:50 am
by Dirty Bird
Mayan_Elephant wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:47 am
Dirty Bird wrote: Tue Feb 27, 2024 4:54 am M E, look at it this way. When you were a True believing Mormon, didn't you feel like you found true freedom through the gospel the brethren taught you from birth? I did! I thought I was one of the luckiest people on earth because I was born into the only true and living gospel on earth. I felt free as a BIRD!!! At the time of my TBM days I didn't realize that I was free, but only free inside the walls of Mormonism. I allowed my parents to "box me in", to build walls around me and then tell me that I'm free to do whatever I want inside those walls. But I should never venture outside of the safety found within the walls because the dangers are great. I truly felt free inside the walls of mormonism, until I didn't. Now I'm a dirty bird.

Progressivism offers the same kind of freedom mormonism does. Once one is convinced that the freedom found within the walls of Progressivism is the only true freedom found on earth, anyone who tries to convince a progressive that real individual freedom can be found on the outside of the walls, is viewed as villian.
Interesting. This is all very, very, interesting.
Our criticism of church leaders is a measure of how rebellious we have become. Often, we will find that when we criticize our church leaders it is in an attempt to justify our own unrighteous behavior. Nephi wrote, “And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than we are able to bear… And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.”(20) Whenever we feel inclined to criticize our church leaders, let us take that as a sign that we have strayed off the path and need to repent and follow the will of the Lord. If we feel we have a valid concern, we may take that concern to the individual directly or to a church leader who has the power to correct or release the person thought to be in error. It should not be broadcast before the world.
The above quote is not official doctrine, though, it is more than official orthodoxy. While similar to official doctrine, the official orthodoxy refers to the correct or accepted way of thinking, behaving, or belief within a group. Official orthodoxy implies the ideas and beliefs that are accepted and promoted as the right understanding by the leaders of the organization. However, these may not be as formally codified as official doctrine.

This is exactly what we are experiencing now. The derangement about nationalism has gone beyond the goddamn pale. The derangement about populism may be worse. The derangement about Trump is acceptable now as some new higher moral. And most of this is in the context of abiding by the "thou shall not speak evil of the ideologically anointed." Somehow, it is a grave sin to speak evil of the open border and no-cash bail for murderers. It is a grave sin to speak evil of the clowns that excuse the open borders, inflation, and crime - because not excusing it may insult the anointed. And if a woman is murdered, well, so be it, at least we did not speak evil about globalism, open borders and Kamala Harris, LOL.
The confusion, the angst you probably feel is because what you're describing is a religion, a religious philosophy, and it's being spread far and wide to as many people as possible, as soon as possible so it becomes the norm before people have the ability to understand that what they're accepting is Marxism disguised as "Social Justice."

We all know lots of really smart people who are true believing Mormons. We all know true believing Mormons who live a life that's completely normal and live by an ethos that's seen as complimentary or beneficial to a functioning society. So why do they believe in a man that wanted to screw multiple women and lie about talking to an angel that told him to dig up some golden plates? Because even really smart people are looking, even thirsting for, desperate for, anxious for, scared to death for, trying to find the meaning of life, and people like Joseph Smith are willing to manipulate people into believing falsehoods so they can control them through the power and authority that comes with successfully manipulating people into believing that the righteous narrative they're pushing, is the only true narrative that matters.

Progressivism or "Marxism", is no different than Mormonism in the way both LIFESTYLES promise that if you wholly and totally accept the fundamental culture, or spirit of the culture they're trying to convince you of, is the only way to live righteously and to live in such a way that makes people see you as a compassionate person willing to offer comfort and support others in need. Both Progressivism and Mormonism use a person's arrogance and pride to slowly grow a superiority complex inside each person who is willing to entertain living within the confines of the walls both Mormonism and Progressivism build around their victims. Inside the walls of both religions, people are totally free to do what they want as long as they are following the rules.

In the religion of Progressivism, a woman can be a man and a man can be a woman. If anyone inside the progressive religion dares to question this article of faith, they'll be excommunicated. But have you ever asked why the progressive religion puts forth such a ridiculous claim that a man can be a woman and a woman can become man? It's because progressivism has become a living breathing thing with a heartbeat, just like mormonism. It has reached such a size that it's self governing, just like mormonism. The claim that a man can become a woman or a woman can become a man, is used within progressivism to help progressives identify "true believing progressives" who are willing to sacrifice common sense, and replace it with progressive thought. Accepting the man is woman/woman is man article of faith, proves one's dedication to the cause. It's a badge of honor inside a religion that thrives on appealing to one's pride and arrogance.