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Testimonies From Wokesters Who Finally Realized They Are In A Cult

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 3:49 am
by Dirty Bird

This young man has a lot of courage to question the woke agenda he relied upon for so many years. If you're an exmormon and you watch this video, you will sometimes forget that this video is about this young man realizing that wokeness is a cult mentality. As an exmormon you will find yourself thinking he's talking about mormonism instead, because of how the two religions, mormonism and wokeness, both rely on manufacturing a problem, then convincing you that their religous ideology is the only one on earth that can solve the problem you FEEL you have in your life.

Can anyone watch this video then come back to this thread and tell me that what this young man is experiencing, isn't the same emotional experience a Mormon goes through when they realize mormonism has cultish behaviors and a cultish dogma?

Re: Testimonies From Wokesters Who Finally Realized They Are In A Cult

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:10 am
by Dirty Bird
Hagoth. I would like to ask you to watch the video from 5:50 to 11:15 and instead of watching it and thinking this is a young man who is talking about realizing that the progressive movement is a cult, try to think about, that he's discussing his journey out of Mormonism. It's the exact same emotional journey because both Mormonism and progressivism rely on manipulating your emotions to the point that you're incapable of accepting a different world view that doesn't align with the one the group you're blindly following supplies you with.

The guy in this video could be talking about how someone feels when exiting mormonism. Do you not see that?

Re: Testimonies From Wokesters Who Finally Realized They Are In A Cult

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:53 pm
by SaidNobody
This is the danger of losing your God.

There is a part of our mind the submits to our higher power/authority in times of crisis.

If you don't have a God of your understanding in this position you will revert to other authorities such as academic science, government, authority like CDC. They will control you in time of crisis...... Which is non-stop these days.