Mayan_Elephant wrote: ↑Wed Aug 02, 2023 6:18 am
alas wrote: ↑Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:56 am
Mayan_Elephant wrote: ↑Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:03 pm
Incest and pedophilia are acts of violence. Horrific violence. Inexcusable selfish violence. Definitely they are aggressive.
Having worked with, studied and experienced incest, I think I know more about it than you do. It is going to depend on the perp (short for perpetrator for those who work with it.) whether it is what most people would call violent. Normally, no violence in involved. That is not to say it doesn’t destroy the victim. It is worse than murder, partly because it can be done “lovingly”. Sometimes when the victim starts resisting, the perp quietly gives up, other times he gets violent. It depends. My own got violent, but most cases are not violent. The perp thinks he is in a loving partnership with the victim, or “teaching” her. So, he thinks he is doing something loving. Sick, but that is how they think. But he is 100% taking advantage of his position of power. In spite of what the sicko tells himself about his motive, these men feel very powerless and they want to feel power over somebody so they pick a child. So, while it is motivated by power, it is usually not violent in any way.
But then, neither is poison considered violent.
Think Mr Rogers quietly going into his daughters bedroom after his wife is asleep and you get a picture of the betrayal of incest. The damage is not violence or fear but is betrayal of trust.
And I remembered two other important forms of power that are used by sexual predators. One is physical strength, as in your standard rapist who physically forces or drugs the victim, and the other is relationship, as in the boy friend who says “if you love me…”and manipulates the girl into sex, and the husband in marital rape. They are both using their relationship to manipulate or take advantage. Actually, that is also the power used by the incest offender or other child molester. Child molesters form a trust relationship with their victim and manipulate them into compliance and remaining silent. I would have told if it had been any one but my daddy, see the relationship is the tool used to gain power and no force is usually necessary, especially at first.
You have my empathy.
You have described violence near perfectly. Violence is not only done in an instant or in a single instance. It is the use of force to abuse, injure, destroy, kill, harm and damage. Prolonged violence is still violence. A thousand micro cuts is still violence. Poison, is a violent death or injury.
Your description and mine can co-exist.
I guess I am using “violence” as different than just harmful or destructive, or maybe it is the difference between emotional violence and physical violence. I’ll clarify by stating “physical violence.” Then we both know what we are talking about.
And amount of harm is not really related to whether or not there was physical violence, at least for incest. In fact for me, the fact that it turned violent clarified that it was no way in hell something that I was choosing. So, then when we got the chewed gum or licked cupcake or mangled wedding cake lessons in YW, I could listen and hear the violence in chewed gum or mangled wedding cake and know the lesson was nuts because that cake didn’t have agency over getting mangled. It was clearly a sin against the cake. So, zero guilt on the part of the cake. The cake has nothing to be ashamed of, nay the person who destroyed the cake. So, it was kind of odd, that the violence let me know that it was not my fault, and then when my bishops suggested I had something to repent of, I pretty much knew they were wrong, but it still hurt that they automatically blame the female, no matter her age or willingness.
And with as many other incest victims as I have talked to, others have had the same experience, that getting the crap knocked out of us for saying “no” to our abuser absolved us of the guilt that is so common and let us be free to hate our abuser. It destroyed whatever was left of the relationship and removed his emotional power over us.
Now, adult rape victims, stranger or distant acquaintance, were more harmed when there was violence more than just the force necessary to get submission. My clients at the rape center who were sent to the hospital with injuries had the additional trauma of a human purposely injuring them for no reason other than he could. It compounded their trauma rather than simplifying it.
I guess it did leave us with the additional trauma that our trusted relative would beat us, but a beating is not near as bad as rape.