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Wired to war?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:53 pm
by Red Ryder
We just watched Oppenheimer which overall I thought was a good movie. Perhaps Hollywood could take a nudge from President Nelson and cap all movies at the two hour mark because 3 hours is just too long for both movies and subday church services.

I’m struck by our humanoid need too destroy each other.
Our history suggests we take sides, to conquer, to kill, and to destroy.

The war in heaven. We chose sides.
Adam & Eve. Cain killed Able.
The Nephites vs. the Lamanites
The 49’ers vs. the Cowboys
The Cougars vs. the Utes.

We are wired to war against each other. To build up, armies, and navies, to destroy. Aah! You have looked over my kingdom, and my greatness and glory. Now you want to take possession of the whole of it.

Re: Wired to war?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2023 8:38 pm
by Angel
I'm looking forward to Oppenheimer, I'm also curious about the Barbie movie - heard it tries to break a few stereotypes etc.

Dogma seems to be the root of all evil. If we could all just see how similar we are - Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew - most live families, value work, the same hopes, fears, good, bad , tears, joy - the same human characteristics within each of us regardless of dogmatic beliefs.

Heirarchies, crazy leaders - if we could all refuse to follow leaders like that.... The next generation appear to have no trouble changing jobs - great to hear - ability to walk away from bad management, walk away from bad religion - nones are on the rise. Walk away from politicians/president? If there was a war, draft - people would refuse I think. Told to press a button? Make this, launch that? Some say Russia won't use nukes because they understand the retaliation that would happen. We will see.

Re: Wired to war?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2023 6:52 am
by moksha
Not sure which war this would relate to, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Daze of 47.

Re: Wired to war?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:15 am
by stealthbishop
Loved the movie. I think we are also wired for the opposite--risking our lives for total strangers (as well as animals). It swings both ways and we can also create cultures both ways too.

Re: Wired to war?

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 3:51 pm
by Red Ryder
stealthbishop wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:15 am Loved the movie. I think we are also wired for the opposite--risking our lives for total strangers (as well as animals). It swings both ways and we can also create cultures both ways too.
Thanks for pointing out the opposite. I need to focus more on the positive aspects of our human experience.

And if you’re reading this stealth…. Check your PM’s.

Re: Wired to war?

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:12 pm
by Angel
Can't find it now, but was listening to a podcast with theory that our war is a result of transitioning from animals who act through instinct → logical thoughtful mind. The premise, consider a dog or lion - their actions are not really logically thought out or calculated, just instinct. So some monkey starts thinking things through a little longer, and the question is, what happens internally when age old instincts conflict with logical thoughts? Internal confusion on how to act - just fighting within ourselves, follow emotion/instinct/gut, or follow logic/thought - the theory was this is the root of war.