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Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:54 pm
by Hagoth
Does this mean a business can turn away Christians if they don't agree with their message, and not have it labeled persecution?
"No soup for you, Jesus boy!"
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 5:37 pm
by jfro18
Hagoth wrote: ↑Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:54 pm
Does this mean a business can turn away Christians if they don't agree with their message, and not have it labeled persecution?
"No soup for you, Jesus boy!"
Apparently... so if you lived in Utah and someone wanted a cake to celebrate their child "choosing" to get baptized you could tell them no. Or in this case tell them they won't create a website about their new archaeological evidence of the Book of Mormon in America, I suppose.
To me it's such a goofy thing - if I knew someone didn't want to provide a service for me based on my beliefs or background, I wouldn't want to go there anyway... but I get what that can lead to as well. We live in really, really stupid times.
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:48 pm
by moksha
This increased ability to discriminate will be met with prayers of gratitude at Temple Square. The Brethren will see this as God talking to them through the Supreme Court. They will also praise the ending of Affirmative Action at universities and will make immediate corrections at BYU.
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:18 am
by Hagoth
I'm sure the church can see the potential danger hovering on the horizon if the religious Right in America becomes as politically powerful as Oaks & Friends hope it will be. If the Evangelicals gain enough power to squash dissenting voices they will eventually run out of easy targets and turn their inquisition on the weirdo, pseudo-Christian churches, like the LDS. I believe this is the reason the men in the COB are trying so hard to mainstream their church (at least to outside eyes) and shed all of its uniqueness in favor of vanilla Christianity (put a picture of Jesus on the logo, circumcise Moroni from the temples, remove Masonic disco moves...). Mormons will be tolerated in Washington as long as the Evangelical political machine needs the votes that come out of their shared bigotry and intolerance, but Mormonism will need to merge with their political masters eventually to truly get the respect, power, and inclusion they so badly want. But they are fooling themselves in thinking they will ever be invited to the club, and selling their souls in the meantime. They are still ultimately stuck with Joseph, Brigham and their pseudo-scriptures. Their attempts to weaken their own message just makes them look all the more pathetic.
On the other hand, if the political climate swings the other way and it turns out that America really does want tolerance and freedom for everyone, the Mormons have shot themselves in the foot and have given up their precious uniqueness just to be another institution that could not adapt to social reality.
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 1:47 pm
by wtfluff
Hagoth wrote: ↑Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:18 am... Masonic disco moves...
Oh deer... The things that make me giggle.
Plagiarized Masonic disco moves is the way I shall plagiarize the statement "from this time forth." Or maybe I'll quote the source.
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 3:02 pm
by moksha
If everything must be merit-based, what about those legacy admissions to the Quorum of the Twelve and the Quorums of the Seventies?
Re: Supreme court ruling about providing services for LGBTQ+
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:44 am
by Hagoth
Here's a must-listen-to Mormon Stories episode (and it's only 50 minutes long!): ... ourt-case/
I had no idea that:
a)in the Colorado case of the gay couple asking for a same-sex marriage website, the request was totally made up and the request letter was fake.
b) the entire circus was orchestrated by the Alliance Defending Freedom, basically an Evangelical hate group.
c) the other document the plaintiff's legal team (actually the ADF's legal team) brought before the Supreme Court was written by Kirton and McConkie.
A lot of other really interesting stuff in this very dense episode.