Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:48 pm
Watching this fictional, dark themed Western on Netflix called "Godless". The main antagonist (deep sociopath) is a character who, as a young child, was part of the Fancher party that was massacred at Mountain Meadows. He was under 8 years of age and so spared of death but then raised by one Isaac Haight, who "taught" him all about God and made him the man he became.
Pretty twisted in many respects but I'm surprised by how accurate the writers were on the Mountain Meadows debacle. Somebody did their homework on this particular and they are not kind to the church even a little. These writers didn't buy into the church self-justification one bit. In their telling of the story the church is totally responsible.
I guess the only people the church is fooling are their own members.
Pretty twisted in many respects but I'm surprised by how accurate the writers were on the Mountain Meadows debacle. Somebody did their homework on this particular and they are not kind to the church even a little. These writers didn't buy into the church self-justification one bit. In their telling of the story the church is totally responsible.
I guess the only people the church is fooling are their own members.