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2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:07 pm
by Palerider
Okay, so this a.m. I went on YouTube just for a minute and was really surprised to see in my recommendations a pirated video of the entire recent 2023 temple ceremony.

So I watched the entire thing. It was interesting to see all of the changes that had been made, since I haven't attended for about 13 years. Some of those changes being blatant attempts to bring Christ more into being the focus of the endowment. Revelation by survey I suspect....

But then I had some projects that needed my attention and so I came back a few hours later to find a link for the video for this thread and it's gone. Can't find it anywhere.

So I'm just wondering if anyone else saw the thing and also if it would be possible for the church to have it taken down that quickly?
The secret recording had obviously been taken from the women's side of the room. It would be fun to know how she managed to get her camera lens hidden in her hair because every time she would bow her head to say "yes" the camera would move up and down. ;)

Anybody else catch this before it went away?

Also, I bet someone in Salt Lake is extremely peeved that they have already had a non-believer infiltrate the temple and make a mockery of their recommend system. Guess that Bishop's discernment button was toggled off that day.... 8-)

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:27 pm
by Ghost
I only saw a couple minutes of it this morning when I happened to notice it on Facebook and skimmed it a little to see what it was. It still appears to be circulating there.

Note: I do not endorse creating a Facebook account just to see this. Social media is a poison that is ruining the Internet and probably our larger society.

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:35 pm
by Palerider
Ghost wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 2:27 pm I only saw a couple minutes of it this morning when I happened to notice it on Facebook and skimmed it a little to see what it was. It still appears to be circulating there.

Note: I do not endorse creating a Facebook account just to see this. Social media is a poison that is ruining the Internet and probably our larger society.
Hey Ghost!

Well at least I know people will believe me now since I have a witness. Weird that it should disappear so quickly.

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 6:52 pm
by Culper Jr.
Oh yeah, it was there. I watched the entire thing as well. I was a temple worker for years and I find it interesting the changes that are made.

I loathed the slideshow format when I was still going, and they are still using it; the Ken Burns effect gave me a headache. I thought it was a stopgap until they could make a new film, but it looks like they are sticking with it. That makes sense I guess so now when they make changes -er- "adjustments" they can just add them in without re-filming. It used to be rare they would change things, now the temple is changing things constantly.

The "adjustments" are so on the nose.. like they are going down a list of complaints from surveys and critics. "Not enough Jesus? We'll say it more..Jesus,Jesus, Jeeezuuuus! Women need a bigger role? Here ya go! Eve says slightly more stuff!"

It really surprised me the unpolished look of it. Basically plastered together from old movies and the Adam and Eve AI'd with the signs and tokens. I'd think a church with over a 100 billion laying around would put a little more effort into it. Wow. I mean, it's like they just don't care anymore. It's like they've given up the pretense of being an actual church and they are just doing the bare minimum to be considered a religion that's really a tax exempt real estate investment corporation.

Everything is "symbolic" now.. but I guess that's the only place for them to go. Like that Brother Jake song "Symbolically". I mean, why even bother doing it at all?

And it's longer... by quite a bit; it's an hour and a half now. Wow.. if anything I thought they'd streamline it.

Anyway, it was interesting. I don't miss it at all. And it's kinda fun to have seen it before my TBM wife!

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 2:43 pm
by Palerider
Culper Jr. wrote: Fri Mar 24, 2023 6:52 pm

It really surprised me the unpolished look of it. Basically plastered together from old movies and the Adam and Eve AI'd with the signs and tokens. I'd think a church with over a 100 billion laying around would put a little more effort into it. Wow. I mean, it's like they just don't care anymore. It's like they've given up the pretense of being an actual church and they are just doing the bare minimum to be considered a religion that's really a tax exempt real estate investment corporation.

Everything is "symbolic" now.. but I guess that's the only place for them to go. Like that Brother Jake song "Symbolically". I mean, why even bother doing it at all?
It's like for years they wouldn't say whether those things actually happened literally or not, because there were numerous doctrinal issues such as Adam shaking hands with Peter, James and John as dis-embodied spirits. Now suddenly the entire thing is symbolic.

The other thing that really bugged me was the culty sound of the narrator's voice. Really creepy. Reminded me of the voice from the George Lucas movie "THX 1138". :?

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 6:30 am
by Just This Guy
Radio Free Mormon did a watch with commentary on the new ceremony. Think about it as something akin to a MST3K or Rifftrax commentary on the video. ... hot-takes/

I am traveling this week. Pat of it included a nearly 2 hour drive across Texas. The road was very boring and listening to the temple ceremony, I would have been asleep in a ditch if it weren't for RFM's riffing/commentary.

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 1:18 pm
by nibbler
It's been several years since I've done an endowment session.

Between the slow narration and adding things like the retelling of the war in heaven, it seems like they've done quite a lot to pad the length of the endowment.

Did none of their surveys reveal that people want a shorter endowment?

The dialogue is seriously slow. They could probably shave a whole 10 minutes off the runtime by keeping the dialogue the same but just talking at a normal cadence.

Re: 2023 temple ceremony on youtube

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2023 3:35 pm
by moksha
I'm glad they kept the goat leggings and the drinking of the nectar of Saitan. If you take out too much, things will seem "Christian". Best to retain our peculiarity.

As far as I know, the nude clogging ceremony remains unaltered. This proves we are not one of those cults.