Adam Ondi Ahman

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Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by blazerb »

I'm taking a break from twisting my brain trying to deal with TBM's justifying felonious behavior by the 1st Presidency. I remember in 2016, that Wendy Nelson asked in a talk how the listeners would respond if they knew that Christ had already returned and was meeting with followers in large gatherings. It is a clear allusion to the doctrine around Adam Ondi Ahman. You can watch the talk here: She refers to Christ coming starting at about the 9:40 mark. Then a few days ago, someone posted on the exmormon subreddit that they had been in a YSA fireside where a speaker said they knew that members of the Q15 were making multiple trips to Adam Ondi Ahman to prepare the land, whatever that means. You can read the account here: ... nd_coming/

My question is: what the hell is going on? Are these just one-off crackpot statements or is millennial fervor taking stronger hold in Utah? Are leaders making a more concerted effort to suggest that prophecies are being fulfilled? Or did the YSA attendee just misunderstand or make it up? I'm pretty far from the Morridor, so I'm curious.

That talk by Wendy Nelson is a total dumpster fire. It's also the one where she suggested that people can pray the gay away. Her beliefs are awful.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by Palerider »

When I came home from my mission (1975) a female friend informed me in hushed tones during conversation that the furniture for the great temple to be built in Missouri had already been purchased and was sitting in a warehouse just waiting for construction to begin in the very near future.

I wonder if it's still there???

I give very little credence to tall tales on the Mormon grapevine.
Last edited by Palerider on Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by Just This Guy »

I'm fairly sure that is the plot of the movie The Omen: The Final Conflict.

Isn't the NT pretty clear that the 2nd coming will be when Jesus returns in full power and glory and will cast out Satan from off the face of the earth? Any 2nd coming without full power and glory could be taken as a false prophesy or a deception of Satan.

If Jesus is only coming to limited grows, then I would venture to say that isn't the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's what I get form reading the Bible.

It strikes me as a bit of a desperation. Jesus is LONG overdue according to JSjr, so they have to come up with some reasoning to fulfill the prophecies. You could consider this back-dating prophecies. Some people need to find a way to make JS right, but in doing so, they ignore other teachings on the topic. They just can't admit that JSjr was wrong and therefore they are wrong as well.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by wtfluff »

blazerb wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 12:40 pm...
Or did the YSA attendee just misunderstand or make it up?
I'm going with" "Made Up".

Made Up: Answers so many questions about MORmONism. :ugeek:
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by Palerider »

Just This Guy wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:04 pm If Jesus is only coming to limited grows, then I would venture to say that isn't the 2nd coming of Jesus. That's what I get form reading the Bible.
Yep. You're correct.

When it says (paraphrasing): "If they say he's in the temple, don't believe it. If they say he's out in the desert don't go looking for him."

The really interesting thing about these rumors is that the church does little to correct them. My wife was saying she has come to believe that leadership actually like them because it gives leadership the aura of super righteousness and having secret knowledge and insight. Fear and respect follow.

Seen in a political sense, it's something one nation would do to another. Allow them to have the misconception that the first country is more powerful than they really are. Thus, winning a psychological war without lifting a finger. It's called propaganda.

The real problem regarding a church propagandizing it's members is that in politics it's something that you do to your ENEMIES. To borrow a quote from the movie "The Sting": "You don't treat your friends like they're a mark, kid."

Tells you what the church really thinks of it's members. :oops:
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by dogbite »

As far as the LDS go, they lack the Temple lot and are unlikely to get it. So nothing to worry about as to JC second coming. ... ce-temple/
Prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a magnificent edifice—the New Jerusalem Temple—will be erected on the location of the Temple Lot.
Joseph's original plan was a complex of 24 temples. I don't understand how this one revealed location related to the complex as a whole. The 63.75 acre "lot" is owned in multiple parcels by three shoots of Joseph's original religion, one of which is LDS. But the Temple location itself is not in LDS ownership.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by Hagoth »

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
If they believe what the Bible says, and they're doing all of this stuff anyway, trying to jump-start the 2nd coming, they're setting themselves up for disappointment. Kind of like the Preists of Baal trying to call down fire from heaven. More likely they're going there to buy up land and shop for luxury homes so they can abandon us when the arsenic dust starts blowing off the lakebed.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by moksha »

Hagoth wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:19 pm More likely they're going there to buy up land and shop for luxury homes so they can abandon us when the arsenic dust starts blowing off the lakebed.
So they really can forsee the destruction of Salt Lake City?!!! Apologists will announce that this proves they are all seers.
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Re: Adam Ondi Ahman

Post by Gatorbait »

First of all, there's no way I could listen to the talk from Wendy. Tried for about a minute. Nope. Not happening, so no comments about her talk. The Reddit stuff - interesting, but it's the sort of stuff that lends to make one wonder if this so called talk happened or if the one who posted it is trying to see how far it goes. This sort of thing happens from time to time- someone makes up a whopper and spreads it around for funzies.

Regarding the second coming, the hook for most of Christianity I'd say, the worn out rewards for doing what the leaders say, doesn't matter which church. Like JS, if you have no credentials at all, just start your own church for crying out loud. Same ol' same ol'. Christ is coming and he's not happy.....

Another thing, isn't Christ's gospel supposed to be preached throughout the world so everyone gets a chance to hear it? Wasn't that what all the missionary work is for? That's not happening. The Church is closing down missions where no one joins and adding more and more to places they do. That's hardly spreading the word. Most of Asia - and that is a lot of the people in the earth - have no idea what Christianity is, not do they care to know. Why is that? God doesn't love them, or the worn out, "they were just not valiant enough in the premortal existence". Christ can't come until those people hear it. Why is that fact ignored?
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