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How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:18 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
If any of you follow Bill Reel on book of faces, he sure seems to be riding that line of public apostasy lately. I wonder how long until the inevitable. Bill, if you care to comment here under your "NOM de guerre", you're welcome to. Perhaps my concerns are unwarranted.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:47 am
by Corsair
I get the impression that Bill Reel is in a ward and stake where his views are reasonably tolerated. His position is further bolstered by how Bill continues to proclaim a testimony of the divinity of the LDS church and the prophetic mission of Joseph Smith. Plus, I suspect that Brother and Sister Reel provide diligent service in the ward and in their church callings. Disciplining Bill Reel would disrupt the ward dynamics and raise far more questions than it might answer to their ward and stake.

I absolutely wish Bill and family all the best. I fully support his point of view and look forward to his podcasts and writings. I suppose that a change of ward or stake leadership could change the dynamics of his local and podcast activities. I also think that Bill has been very circumspect about not angering or even attracting the attention of LDS leadership above the level of stake president.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 8:15 pm
by achilles
Corsair wrote:I get the impression that Bill Reel is in a ward and stake where his views are reasonably tolerated.
In St. George, Utah? Such a place exists?

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:28 am
by Corsair
achilles wrote:
Corsair wrote:I get the impression that Bill Reel is in a ward and stake where his views are reasonably tolerated.
In St. George, Utah? Such a place exists?
Let's give credit where it's due. One upside of this seeming paradox is that perhaps all of us can find fellowship with Latter-day Saints in more places than we suspected. I had a surprisingly good disussion with my own stake president. This is a guy that I would not be surprised to see as a mission president in the future. Our conversation probably laid the groundwork for me never being in a bishopric or being made a high priest. But that's OK with me and I left him with the offer that I would gladly speak with any other person who came to him with a faith crisis.

Nevertheless, some time in the next decade both Bill Reel and I will have a change or two of both bishop and stake president. We might end up with Dave Bednar's protege and this is a circumstance that we will deal with as it arises. The important point is for Bill and I and all of you to have a personal plan with what you want to do with your life and work at it with reasonable adjustments based on your own life events.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 2:03 pm
by Korihor
He's doing a good job at threading the needle. I don't see any action coming his direction as long the status quo is maintained. A new BP likely won't rock the boat. A new SP might.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:45 pm
by MalcolmVillager
I feel like if I said half of what he has put on FB I would be pulled in for some courting and loving.

I wish him the best. I am a donor to his podcast and love to hear him speak. He doesn't come across as sweet and positive on FB.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 5:51 pm
by Silver Girl
I found my stake president and a few others very willing to at least listen, but as Corsair mentioned, that is just the luck of the current crap shoot. I don't publicly criticize, but if I did, I would probably see a wall close around those who are still my friends. I'm sort of letting things happen organically with people; if they ask, or if a genuine reason and opportunity surfaces, I comment on things. I feel that is the best way to open the door for people to think about it. Baby steps.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2017 7:34 pm
by Abinidied
I'm also a Bill Reel fan and have wondered the same. I'm bewildered that he has found the 'sweet spot' where he can say pretty much what needs to be said, and pull back at the end with a bit of testimony. It seems he knows exactly where that line is in the now. Might not always be that way for him, but pretty clever. I think he's a pretty good example of how to dance with the grizzlies. I'm also pretty excited about him hosting radio free mormon. That's actually how I found NOM. I googled radio free mormon and NOM came up! Consiglieri? (had to google it). AWESOME and very spot on.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:56 pm
by GoodBoy
I like Bill. He is honestly trying to do what is right and has given the church every benefit of the doubt, but faces facts and encourages others to do so as well.

But to answer your question... not long.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:34 am
by dbmormon
just saw this.

I have a Bishop who has LGBT folks in his family that cause him cognitive dissonance and he has family who have left over history to which he is somewhat sensitive. He knows the true history is faith damaging but still maintains a "I will believe anyway" attitude. My SP is nice and kind and seems to give me space. The tension is growing but to date it appears no one from SLC COB has said anything to local leadership about me. I attend every week and I participate sometimes substitute teaching gospel doctrine and I hold a recommend and have callings


Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:20 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
dbmormon wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2017 9:34 am just saw this.

I have a Bishop who has LGBT folks in his family that cause him cognitive dissonance and he has family who have left over history to which he is somewhat sensitive. He knows the true history is faith damaging but still maintains a "I will believe anyway" attitude. My SP is nice and kind and seems to give me space. The tension is growing but to date it appears no one from SLC COB has said anything to local leadership about me. I attend every week and I participate sometimes substitute teaching gospel doctrine and I hold a recommend and have callings

Glad to hear that Bill, that gives me hope for the future of the church. That someday the culture will tolerate scrutiny from members of our practices and doctrines. I admire your bravery.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 12:36 pm
by dbmormon

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:08 pm
by Korihor

Glad to hear you are in good spot. My post above indicates that a change in local leadership might change their "tolerance".

Would you agree or do you think a local leadership changeup wouldn't affect you much regardless of incoming personalities?

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:35 pm
by dbmormon
There are folks in my ward very threatened by me. If they were called as my leader than I would be as risk.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:13 pm
by MalcolmVillager
dbmormon wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:35 pm There are folks in my ward very threatened by me. If they were called as my leader than I would be as risk.
Love your posts. They give me hope in something that is hard to have faith in. I appreciate your zeal for truth and pleas for expanded borders.

Re: How long until Bill Reel gets the axe?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 9:44 am
by Corsair
dbmormon wrote: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:35 pm There are folks in my ward very threatened by me. If they were called as my leader than I would be as risk.
That risk is a two way street. Allow me to quote Rorschach from "Watchmen":
Alan Moore wrote:None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME!