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Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:59 pm
by shadow
In a preview to this week's gospel doctrine lesson about the first vision, I derailed EQ this past Sunday. The lesson was from the new Hinckley manual about the restoration. Near the end of the lesson, we were getting to the part about the first vision. Hinckley made some pretty clear statements about the foundation of the church's claim to authority and truth being based in the first vision. The lesson manual quotes him:
Hinckley wrote:One is led to wonder why it was so important that both the Father and the Son appear. I think it was because They were ushering in the dispensation of the fulness of times, the last and final dispensation of the gospel, when there would be gathered together in one the elements of all previous dispensations. This was to be the final chapter in the long chronicle of God's dealing with men and women upon the earth.

Every claim that we make concerning diving authority, every truth that we offer concerning the validity of this work, all finds its root in the First Vision of the boy prophet. Without it we would not have anything much to say.
People were making comments about how great this was, etc. With just a few minutes before the end of class, I raised my hand and asked if anyone had read the gospel topics essay on the first vision accounts. Surprise! No one had. I went on to say that I ask that because I was wondering how they reconcile the first account with the later, official version, especially in light of what Hinckley was saying. After some questions, I was able to tell about the earliest written account, and that it doesn't mention both beings, but just 'the Lord," and that he was really praying for a forgiveness of sins.

Man, that really seemed to rock some people. The thing is that many of them know I don't believe, but of course no one ever asks any questions. I know my comments may be received with some skepticism, so it was great to have the gospel topics essays. One of them looked it up in the app, and said, huh, it's right here in the church history section of the LDS Gospel Library app.

Class ended with some palpable cognitive dissonance. The closing prayer asked for help to answer questions. Quotes like that from Hinckley are the cause of so much cognitive dissonance when historical facts are learned.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:30 pm
by Korihor
I would love buy you a beer (or any drink of your choice) right now

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:33 pm
by MoPag
Well done Shadow! Way to share the truth with your brethren. Gotta love how those essays are just a few clicks away.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:43 pm
by Birdbow
That's awesome that you were bold enough to say something.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 5:48 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Nice bomb drop!

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:59 pm
by MalcolmVillager
A brother in HP brought that up and HPGL quickly changed the subject and moved along the lesson as though nothing was said. Me and one other NOM in HPG shook our heads and didn't say anything. I know our group and sadly they are not open to this stuff. I have given up hope of making an impact at this point. I just want to make it through so I am apathetic as much as possible.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:59 am
by Corsair
Well done though good and critical thinking servant. Let's keep in mind that the next Gospel Doctrine lesson is the First Vision. Those of us still going to church have a chance to inject the narrative with some historical questioning that is ostensibly supported by the correlation committee.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 10:35 am
by StarbucksMom
Shadow, that is seriously awesome. I LOVE how you were able to reference the essays, that are now easily accessible on everyone's phones. I have to say....Thank you LDS Church!! Now with this being church history year, there are LOTS of opportunities for faithful NOMs to ask questions/make comments along these lines.

I haven't been to SS in a very long time, maybe almost 2 years, but I would totally show up to yours Shadow!

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:13 am
by shadow
StarbucksMom wrote:Shadow, that is seriously awesome. I LOVE how you were able to reference the essays, that are now easily accessible on everyone's phones. I have to say....Thank you LDS Church!! Now with this being church history year, there are LOTS of opportunities for faithful NOMs to ask questions/make comments along these lines.

I haven't been to SS in a very long time, maybe almost 2 years, but I would totally show up to yours Shadow!
I don't really know what my purpose is going to SS. I think that it's important that people know about the foundational claims of their church, but stepping back I realize that that's not why most people are sitting through SS and Preisthood/RS. They just want to go and sit for a few hours with some acquaintances and feel good about themselves. I've been doing this whole faith crisis thing for close to a decade now. I had already done a lot of my church history reading before and during the last D&C/church history cycle in SS. It was an incredibly frustrating year and I don't expect it to be any better this time around, and getting my kicks throwing out controversial (even if apropos) facts is only going to hurt my marriage and make me more of a pariah in my ward.

But...the status quo in my marriage is that we go to all of church right now, and if continues to be the case, I know I won't be able to keep my mouth shut all year. Carpe diem?

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:01 pm
by John G.
A true NOM missionary!

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 1:34 pm
by Corsair
John G. wrote:A true NOM missionary!
We should make up "Pass Along" cards for NOM.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:14 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Does anyone secretly wish they would get leadership pushback on comments like these so you can lay the "official source" hammer down? I must admit that I fantisize about the confrontation at times. Then I wonder if my time is better spent eating a hotdog at Maverick.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:55 pm
by wtfluff
Is the First Vision Bomb similar to the Holy Hand Grenade? :P

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:08 pm
by RubinHighlander
wtfluff wrote:Is the First Vision Bomb similar to the Holy Hand Grenade? :P
"One, two, five!"
"Three sir!"


Excellent work there Shadow of no doubt!

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:18 pm
I've been wanting to throw out the link to one of the essays on my Facebook page just to see what kind of reaction I would get from family members (have several in high level-local leadership positions). I would preface it by encouraging people to read all the essays conveniently located on the updated Gospel library app. There is going to come a point where I can't keep a lid on the genie bottle.

Re: Threw a First Vision Bomb in EQ

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:13 pm
by Ghost
A few years before the essay was posted, I taught an EQ lesson and went over the various accounts of the First Vision. It actually went over pretty well. I guess I didn't frame it as something that was particularly controversial, and no one seemed to be uncomfortable with it.

One person in the class pointed out that some small details from the old Joseph Smith video were taken from accounts other than the official one.

I noticed the other day that the essays are now in the Gospel Library app. I haven't kept up with the curriculum enough to know whether they are actually acknowledged in class. I used to wish that someone other than me had at least read them so I'd have someone to discuss such things with.