A product of his time
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:55 am
Question: in what way does the Mormon church claim EVERY one of its members are superior to EVERY other person on earth?
We will answer this shortly, but please consider the following:
In part two of the Mormon Stories Rodney Meldrum interview, Meldrum repeatedly fell back on the old apologetic standard, "he was a product of his times." Why did Brigham Young endorse slavery and deny black people the blessings of the priesthood and temple ordinances? He was a product of his time. Why did modern apostles and prophets say that dark skin is a punishment for pre-mortal iniquity? They were products of their time. Why did Mormon, Abraham, and Moses say dark skin is a curse for sinfulness? Even they were products of their time. Why did Joseph Smith marry 14-year olds? Yup, everybody was doing it (entirely untrue, by the way).
Question: in what way does the Mormon church claim EVERY one of its members is superior to EVERY other person on earth?
Answer: although others have the Light of Christ to nudge them in the right direction from time to time, ONLY Mormons have the full-time companionship of the Holy Ghost to take them by the hand and definitively guide them in the righteous path.
So, assuming that racism and slavery are wrong, how is it possible for a person who not only has the companionship of the Holy Ghost, but is also the foreordained mouthpiece of God on earth possibly be a product of their time? How could such an enlightened person who knows the mind of God say something like, "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so" (Journal of Discourses 10:110).
Of course, you can always fall back to blaming the scribes, which Meldrum also does. So, the God-appointed scribes (sometimes even via scripture), who also have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, manage to write down the exact opposite of what the prophet meant. It then gets reviewed and published by church leaders and bound into handsome leather volumes to be quoted as scripture from then on. And somehow God had no control over any of that. Nor could the Holy Ghost be of any assistance.
Please tell me what I am overlooking.
Meldrum interview: https://youtu.be/n_xhvTHev6E
We will answer this shortly, but please consider the following:
In part two of the Mormon Stories Rodney Meldrum interview, Meldrum repeatedly fell back on the old apologetic standard, "he was a product of his times." Why did Brigham Young endorse slavery and deny black people the blessings of the priesthood and temple ordinances? He was a product of his time. Why did modern apostles and prophets say that dark skin is a punishment for pre-mortal iniquity? They were products of their time. Why did Mormon, Abraham, and Moses say dark skin is a curse for sinfulness? Even they were products of their time. Why did Joseph Smith marry 14-year olds? Yup, everybody was doing it (entirely untrue, by the way).
Question: in what way does the Mormon church claim EVERY one of its members is superior to EVERY other person on earth?
Answer: although others have the Light of Christ to nudge them in the right direction from time to time, ONLY Mormons have the full-time companionship of the Holy Ghost to take them by the hand and definitively guide them in the righteous path.
So, assuming that racism and slavery are wrong, how is it possible for a person who not only has the companionship of the Holy Ghost, but is also the foreordained mouthpiece of God on earth possibly be a product of their time? How could such an enlightened person who knows the mind of God say something like, "Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so" (Journal of Discourses 10:110).
Of course, you can always fall back to blaming the scribes, which Meldrum also does. So, the God-appointed scribes (sometimes even via scripture), who also have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost, manage to write down the exact opposite of what the prophet meant. It then gets reviewed and published by church leaders and bound into handsome leather volumes to be quoted as scripture from then on. And somehow God had no control over any of that. Nor could the Holy Ghost be of any assistance.
Please tell me what I am overlooking.
Meldrum interview: https://youtu.be/n_xhvTHev6E