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Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:29 pm
by Mackman
I have seen in the news some temples being built are going without Moroni on top !! Is this something new I have missed ?

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 3:47 pm
by Hagoth
It must be part of the church's slow retreat from Mormonism into Vanillaism. They are now embarrassed by most of the things that made them unique and once gave them pride. They love the control the temple gives them over their people but they need to downplay its cultiness to the rest of the world in the age of the internet.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:04 pm
by Red Ryder
Seems all of the new temples announced by President Nelson are missing Moroni.

Either Rusty the Rebrandelator is removing him due to personal annoyance similar to the Mormon label.

Or…God himself is removing Moroni via a message through the recent Salt Lake City earthquake and trumpet drop.

Either way, it appears Moroni’s days are limited.

I find it ironic they would drop a world wide outward symbol of the church while still enslaving the members of the church in irritable, itchy, uncomfortable underwear that represents their commitment to the same building their former outward gold covered statue occupied the top of.

I found an old draft of the 2021/2022 worldwide marketing plan in the dumpster outside the COB. It reads:

1. Reduce church to 2 hours.
2. Remove Uchtdorf from 1st Prez
3. Remove “Mormon” nickname.
4. Renovate temples around the world.
5. Remove Moroni from all new temples.
6. Agitate far right members through vaccination.
7. Phase out BOM historicity narrative.
8. Remove Book of Mormon title and append content to the back of Bible. Suggest calling new book “The fat book of religious stories. Some true, most not so true.”
9. Recognize that all remaining members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are the most noble saved for the last days.
10. Rebrand the “move to Missouri” Doctrine.
11. Prepare the remaining membership to move to “New Nauvoo” which was successfully taught in #10 above to be located in modern day Florida.
12. Build new neighborhoods in Florida modeled after the old world known as Salt Lake City.
13. Expand Florida condo development.
14. Announce 15 new temples in Florida.
15. Buy or build a “Prophet, Seer, and Revelator armored glass top vehicle modeled after the Pope Mobile. The PSR1000 will be used to drive the PS&R up and down the streets of Florida while he rants and raves about repentance on the loud speaker.
16. Sale investment stake in Victoria Secrets, Tesla, and ZCMI to fund the expansion of the wastewater Treatment plant in New Nauvoo, Florida so that critics of the church won’t complain about tithing dollars getting used for commercial real estate development.
17. Invest in leading cryotherapy research, build cryogenic storage facilities, and push for the development of immortality science in order to ensure Rusty can live forever as the leader of the church of Jesus chryogenic of Latter Day Saints.
18. Make policy adjustments ensuring LDS members understand the new rules and regulations of garment wearing, which is the more righteous you feel, the more pairs of garments you wear.
19. Expand all doors and entrances of church buildings, temples, and church owned universities to accommodate the “Rolling Rightous”. Those who believe they are so righteous that they wear 38 pairs of garments and look like a giant ball of yarn.
20. Review the church handbook of instruction. Determine where we can add more guilt, shame, and sexual repression into the lives of our yarn ball members. No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing.

By my analysis, it looks like the church is somewhere between step 7 and 8. Buckle up Mormons. It’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:28 pm
by MoPag
Red Ryder wrote: Thu Nov 11, 2021 4:04 pm
I found an old draft of the 2021/2022 worldwide marketing plan in the dumpster outside the COB. It reads:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh Red!!! You are the funniest!!

I'm just waiting for Rusty to commission golden statues of himself to be put on top of all HIS new temples.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:51 pm
by dogbite
To make the temples more mainstream. Moroni on top tells people that's who we worship. Really, people think that because of the statue--probably not most, but still. It's been removed at least once to meet zoning ordinance as I recall.

It improves resale value because the next owner has less re-branding.

The Holy Temple. Temple Worship. These are problematic phrases because they are idolatry. If a thing is holy, how can that thing not be an idol? If the Kabbah is holy, how can it not be an idol? If you practice temple worship. or must go to a holy location, how is it not idolatrous? You are embodying the divine, putting it in an object, or a location.

Temple dedication is a magic incantation to create an idol. Chapel dedication is a demi-idol I suppose as it's a lesser rite.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 3:01 pm
by RubinHighlander
As a TBM I always had a bit of cogdis over the gold Moroni on top the temples, seemed a graven image to me, like the golden calf.

Also, why the hell would TSCC be buying all that low lying land in FL with global warming?! I guess if they bought most of it more inland, the value could go up significantly; but FL land will be circumcised over the next century.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 11:05 pm
by wtfluff
Perhaps the last bulk order of MORONi statues got botched and they ended up with a bunch of Thirsty MORONi?
XmoDrink.jpg (96.87 KiB) Viewed 5204 times

And now that all the shipping containers have COVID, maybe it's impossible to get Horn-Tootin' MORONi so they've just given up on their fav' golden image?

Maybe they'll start putting Bathtub Jesus on top of the Polygamy Palaces.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 7:56 am
by Palerider
dogbite wrote: Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:51 pm To make the temples more mainstream. Moroni on top tells people that's who we worship.


Give them another 15-20 years and all of the old "Moroni's" will be quietly removed.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:09 am
by stealthbishop
We are aligning ourselves more and more with conservative evangelical Christianity. Contrary to what many ExMos and Post Mos say, I do think we had some positive unique aspects to the culture and the theology but they are falling by the way side in order to help us blend in even more.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:10 am
by græy
:lol: @ Red's list.

Regarding #10 - We have been informed that a member of the 12 will be visiting our area, but that no general membership meetings are planned. He'll have only one meeting with Stake presidencies, bishops (not bishoprics, just bishops), and their district/branch counterparts. The local rumor mill jokes about the "call to move to Missouri", so maybe this step (#10) is starting now? :D

I'll keep you posted as I am able.

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:39 am
by MoPag
stealthbishop wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:09 am We are aligning ourselves more and more with conservative evangelical Christianity. Contrary to what many ExMos and Post Mos say, I do think we had some positive unique aspects to the culture and the theology but they are falling by the way side in order to help us blend in even more.
This just kills me. I grew up in the Bible Belt. Evangelical Christians DESPISE Mormons!!! We are scum to them. They will NEVER accept us. NEVER!!!! This little trick they are trying to pull to blend in with them. Not going to work. :roll:

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:57 am
by Palerider
græy wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:10 am :lol: @ Red's list.

Regarding #10 - We have been informed that a member of the 12 will be visiting our area, but that no general membership meetings are planned. He'll have only one meeting with Stake presidencies, bishops (not bishoprics, just bishops),

I'll keep you posted as I am able.
This would be very interesting even if it turns out to be a nothing burger, which wouldn't surprise me.

Please keep us informed. 8-)

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:23 pm
by stealthbishop
MoPag wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:39 am
stealthbishop wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:09 am We are aligning ourselves more and more with conservative evangelical Christianity. Contrary to what many ExMos and Post Mos say, I do think we had some positive unique aspects to the culture and the theology but they are falling by the way side in order to help us blend in even more.
This just kills me. I grew up in the Bible Belt. Evangelical Christians DESPISE Mormons!!! We are scum to them. They will NEVER accept us. NEVER!!!! This little trick they are trying to pull to blend in with them. Not going to work. :roll:

Complete FOLLY!

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:42 am
by 2bizE
Why doesn’t the church put a statue of Christ on top of temples instead of Moroni?

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:32 pm
by Palerider
2bizE wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2021 10:42 am Why doesn’t the church put a statue of Christ on top of temples instead of Moroni?
Because that would be like the Catholics worshipping statues as idols. We're not like those bad Catholics.

When we do it with Moroni it's a totally different thing. It's righteous. Just ask anybody.

If we were to put Christ up there on a pinnacle of the temple it would look WAY too Catholic.

Nope..... can't do it. 😑

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 10:27 pm
by Who Knew?
As much as I like to speculate about all the nefarious reasoning, I have a hunch that the reason is more practical. The Orem Temple is not far from the Provo Airport. It would not be the first temple to have to go without an Angel Moroni for that reason. Also, there could be local zoning laws which prohibit statues on buildings. Who knows?

Re: Why are temples going Moroni-less ?

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:07 am
by moksha
Red Ryder left #21 off the list.

21. Switch to conventional lightning rods.