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No religious exemption for California Mormons
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:30 am
by Hagoth ... ar-AAOjoTu
Over on the Freedomforum they're saying that things like this and the First Presidency's admonition to get vaccinated and wear masks are not coming from the FP at all, but by some kind of liberal committee that is garbling the prophets' words from within the organization.
Re: No religious exemption for California Mormons
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 11:44 am
by blazerb
Of course. And the gospel topics essays come from the same cabal, I'm sure. I think the problem is that the leadership has never been willing to criticize a group that is willing to be loyal to them. So, if you want to take over federal property in the name of "freedom," they won't be critical. You can post the most violent, discriminatory material, they won't be critical. It gives the imprimatur of righteousness to extreme views.
The church was so concerned that the members know that Kate Kelly and John Dehlin are out. However, they have not been willing to take on the right wing extremes in the church. So, the members find ways to rationalize what they think the church teaches with what is actually coming from SLC. Add to that the history of secrecy about so many things, it's confusing.
Re: No religious exemption for California Mormons
Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2021 4:39 pm
by Hagoth
Another discussion I saw on that forum was outrage at how the church changed the Come Follow Me manual to say the Lamanite curse was not dark skin, but a darkened spirit. I agree with them that the BoM is definitely talking about skin color, but I was pretty shocked at the degree to which members of the forum were upset, not that the BoM is racist, but that the internal liberal crybaby cabal was misrepresenting The Brethren by trying to make a place for dark-skinned people on level ground with God's beloved white people.
Re: No religious exemption for California Mormons
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:30 am
by Red Ryder
a secret political clique or faction.
"a cabal of dissidents"
See “Gadianton Robbers”
Re: No religious exemption for California Mormons
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 10:38 am
by Red Ryder
No church official can sign any kind of document supporting the notion that church doctrine/teaching is opposed to vaccination or that the church is opposed to vaccination mandates,” reads a letter sent to all bishops and stake (regional) presidents from the faith’s Area Presidency. “As to the former, the opposite is true [the church not only supports but also encourages vaccination]; as to the latter, the Brethren [top officials] have not taken a position.”
In some instances, the letter adds, “signing such documents could even be perjury.”
Im happy to see this but somehow think anyone trying to get a religious exemption will just go find one from another crazy religious organization.
So they will be Mormons except for on anti vax exemption purposes they would be Jehovah’s Witnesses.