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Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:18 pm
by græy
The church website has a link to this thing it calls the "Become Experience" -
It allows you to click on a single simple topic that will help you start on a spiritual journey. The longest of the topics is "Dealing with disappointment", which is a very important topic to master when engaging the LDS church and expecting any real personal spiritual growth. That is all.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:57 pm
by Ghost
One of the biggest disappointments I've faced is a loss of confidence in things I once saw as foundational and essential parts of my identity. I don't think this site can help me because any solution it offers is undoubtedly based on some of those same assumptions.
I was still a little curious to see what it would say, but the site had sound and would only give me a small amount of text at a time so I quit after a couple panels.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:25 pm
by Hagoth
So much opportunity for disappointment. Has there ever been a religion that is so susceptible to dismantlement via critical analysis and objective evidence?
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:34 pm
by Red Ryder
Their website naming convention is hilarious.
Become Come Unto Christ...
Welcome to Become
Become is a tool that helps you live a happier life and grow closer to Jesus Christ through simple spiritual exercises.
This is like the first discussion in coloring book form.
First journey (discussion) is:
In This Journey
1 Who Is God
2 God Loves You
3 Be Still and Speak to God
4 Follow His Commandments
5 Love God
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 9:05 pm
by wtfluff
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:36 pm
by Hagoth
Geez, this website is kind of creepy. It's like Mormons pretending they're not Mormons. Feels like a trap. I think the opening line, just to keep things honest, should be "Do you want to be a god?"
The steps should talk about seer stones, magic underwear, unquestioning devotion to executives in SLC, and paying 10%. You know, honesty.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:41 pm
by MoPag
Oh wow that was creepy AF!!
I did the forgiveness path. It never tells you how to forgive just tells you you should. Then you are supposed to type the name of the person you want to forgive and then pick an action like: send a text, or give a hug. And then they prompt you to screen shot it so you will remember.
Oh and they want you to create a profile. It's so weird.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:13 am
by sparky
This looks very much like an attempt to capitalize on the mindfulness bandwagon. The design and overall vibe feel very much like the Headspace or Calm apps or something.
I just did a quick look through the different "paths", interesting that there seems to be nothing at all unique to Mormonism. There's a Bible topic but nothing about the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, modern prophets, or anything Mormon. And then there's the big Meet With Missionaries button at the bottom. It's clearly a tool to target generic Christians or spiritual people, have them feel good about something and associate it with this normal looking church before roping them into baptism, giving up coffee, paying absurd amounts of money, etc.
ETA: I'm thinking the theory behind efforts like this is one I used to sincerely believe and I think many members do. It's this idea of the Light Of Christ and how it leads all of God's children to The Truth (i.e. the church). If you can get someone to feel The Spirit by, for example, doing service or praying or anything that will induce a feeling of elevation, well by gum they've invited the Holy Ghost into their head, giving them access to their thoughts so He can influence them to join the church. It's not real of course, but I remember this theory being a major motivating force on my mission.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 12:44 pm
by RubinHighlander
Faith not to be healed
Faith to pray but know it has no impact on my expected outcome, roll some dice
Faith to go to a church meeting with a hope you might get a nugget of inspiration, maybe a few points in the CK book or at least enough tolerance to make it through another mind numbing hour or two.
Maybe there could be a points system for those things that created the most disappointment. Maybe "Dissappoints" could be the new unit of measure for GC talks. It's easier than the monetary system JS made up in the BOM.
Re: Get used to disappointment...
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 2:24 pm
by stealthbishop
græy wrote: ↑Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:18 pm
The church website has a link to this thing it calls the "Become Experience" -
It allows you to click on a single simple topic that will help you start on a spiritual journey. The longest of the topics is "Dealing with disappointment", which is a very important topic to master when engaging the LDS church and expecting any real personal spiritual growth. That is all.
Yeah, ain't that the truth. Sheesh!