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My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 11:33 am
by Red Ryder
I was fortunate to attend church yesterday with the family. It’s been awhile since I’ve been this year. We got there 5 minutes before sacrament meeting started. Walking into the building I was immediately hit with a really bad smell. A mixture of stale air, old wet carpet, a few dirty diapers, Sister Smith’s bad perfume, moisture ridden polyester underpants. Possibly even the sweaty stench of a basketball game from 6 weeks ago. But that may have been the nervous and concerned deacon waiting outside the bishops office door we walked past.

I understand the buildings don’t get used other than Sunday and Wednesday. I get that the members half ass clean them weekly. I get that these buildings are plain and only function as a place for doctrinal education.

What I don’t understand is why they don’t do something about it??

Visitors Welcome! Just ignore the bad smell and come or take of the Lord’s true church in its restored glory!

No thanks.

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:08 pm
by Just This Guy
Members attend every week and grow nose blind to the smell.

Poor cleaning by volun-told people who don't know what they are doing when it comes to a large public building and just want to do the bare minimum not to be guilt-triped for doing a poor job results in these smells.

Hire a professional cleaning crew and give them the proper resources as well as provide for proper building maintenance, and the smell will go away.

Where I work, when COVID-19 hit, so we could be open, we hired a cleaning crew to come in and clean and sanitize twice a day. After a few weeks of this, we started getting compliments from all the people working here that the bathrooms stop smelling and were rather pleasant to do business in. So while we are scaling back the sanitation service, we are keeping the twice daily bathroom cleaning because everyone likes a clean, fresh smelling bathroom.

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:32 pm
by wtfluff
Maybe the stench is a feature of the burlap used to adorn the walls.

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:46 pm
by Just This Guy
Something else I'll add is are buildings getting proper ventilation? HVAC is typically designed to mix outside air with building air, this cuts down on stagnant, musty air. In the summer this air is dehumidified.

Is the HVAC getting turned on in the building during the week? If not, I could see a building sitting around with musty humid summer air all week long. When they come in on Sunday morning, the HVAC doesn't have time to get the air dehumidified and circulated out to make up for the days of not being ran.

I could see SLC mandating that buildings have AC use kept to a minimum to save on power bills.

Warm, stagnant, humid air, when this is coupled with poor cleaning practices, is a perfect recipe for mold growth.

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 1:06 pm
by Zeezrom
Stupid cheap ass church with multi-billion dollar portfolio trying to save a buck on HVAC and professional cleaning during a pandemic. Yeah that’s exactly how God would rule his/her kingdom on Earth if he/she/it gave a shit about micromanaging human affairs. Rant over Lol

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:34 pm
by 2bizE
I would venture there is something wrong going on with the HVAC, plumbing, flooding, or something else.

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 7:45 am
by Angel ... ak-1464974

Wouldn't be the first time church was suffocating people...

Re: My ward building smells bad! Like real bad...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 9:22 pm
by 2bizE
I’ve said for a long time that this church would be the death of me….I guess there could be significant safety risks just going to church….better stay home and stay safe.