Independence Day
Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:36 am
So, what is your independence war story? What made you become a critical thinker, claim authority and independence for yourself, to become self-reliant when it comes to spiritual matters and beliefs?
It takes a war story for most people. Humans prefer being humble, meek, teachable, would like to trust others - the good humans do not seek leadership positions, are content to take orders, are pack animals at heart. My war story was fighting for my children and other children who were abused by a bishopric councilor who is now in jail for the rest of their life.... the detectives had 18 years worth of videos on one USB drive alone, and have still not broken through computer hard drives. That one USB drive was enough to be sentenced - "without probation under Jessica's law". ... We all raised our hands to confirm this person, raised our hands in front of those kids. All those years and years and years, calling after calling after calling, temple recommend after temple recommend.... not just one bad apple, but all those who honored him, protected him, called him, sustained him.... He abused babies, and the mentally ill, chose those who were unable to speak. Some of the footage was from inside church buildings.
I wanted to live the humble life, peaceful, teachable, meek, did not seek to be the head of the household, did not seek the male role of "protector", did not seek a career, would have been happy to rely on others to provide for me.... that is not how life turned out.
So, what is your story? How do you celebrate your independence for those who have found it? Hoping all will enjoy those beautiful big fireworks, and celebrate their own personal independence victory story this weekend.
It takes a war story for most people. Humans prefer being humble, meek, teachable, would like to trust others - the good humans do not seek leadership positions, are content to take orders, are pack animals at heart. My war story was fighting for my children and other children who were abused by a bishopric councilor who is now in jail for the rest of their life.... the detectives had 18 years worth of videos on one USB drive alone, and have still not broken through computer hard drives. That one USB drive was enough to be sentenced - "without probation under Jessica's law". ... We all raised our hands to confirm this person, raised our hands in front of those kids. All those years and years and years, calling after calling after calling, temple recommend after temple recommend.... not just one bad apple, but all those who honored him, protected him, called him, sustained him.... He abused babies, and the mentally ill, chose those who were unable to speak. Some of the footage was from inside church buildings.
I wanted to live the humble life, peaceful, teachable, meek, did not seek to be the head of the household, did not seek the male role of "protector", did not seek a career, would have been happy to rely on others to provide for me.... that is not how life turned out.
So, what is your story? How do you celebrate your independence for those who have found it? Hoping all will enjoy those beautiful big fireworks, and celebrate their own personal independence victory story this weekend.