
Discussions toward a better understanding of LDS doctrine, history, and culture. Discussion of Christianity, religion, and faith in general is welcome.
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Post by Brent »

When I was a young man (1970s) my Pop would tell me the the Church was bound to become the "Third great world religion" (after Christianity & Islam).

Oops. He was vividly wrong.

My question, as a retiring HS instructor who saw the end of "I'm going on a mission!" (kids no longer take pride in missions, the only clue that they're LDS is often if they have "Release time" on their schedule. There has been a steady but clear drop in being proud of being LDS...most don't what to admit it.

Where has the momentum gone? Is this common in places without "release time"?
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Re: Momentum?

Post by 1smartdodog »

Probably part of a broader trend in society. Religion in general is on the decline.

My theory is kids now just don’t need it. They have plenty in their lives demanding their time. Throw in that church has become about as boring as it can be for kids and the recipe is i don’t care to be mormon.

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― Thomas A. Edison
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