Mormons and Romney

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Mormons and Romney

Post by hmb »

For those of you in Utah, or in a concentrated LDS area, what is the overall feeling about Romney? Is he respected, hated, a traitor, or ignored? Watching the news about him getting boo'd had me wondering where he fits in, among mormons, these days.
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by Corsair »

I know some heavily conservative people in Arizona who are no longer fans of Romney. They were all in during the 2012 election, but these ultra-TBM temple recommend holders have lost faith in Romney. These are people who have expressed mild skepticism of Russell Nelson and Dallin Oaks with their vaccine pictures. It has been very interesting to watch.
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by Linked »

The suburban republican mormons interested in politics hate Romney, but the suburban republican mormons uninterested in politics seem to like him. But the suburban republican mormons interested in politics have a history of dragging the Utah republican party around even though they are not a majority.

From an article in the SLtrib:
There is a long tradition of convention-goers wanting to skin, cook and eat their own. Convention delegates are frequently the fieriest and fringiest factions in the party who carry a lot of clout at the convention, but disconnected from how the party’s mainstream votes in primaries.
The article lists a number of occasions over the last 20 years that the convention delegates booed popular republican political leaders.

ETA - In a poll in February Mitt had 50% approval to 45% disapproval and those numbers aren't much different than they were before voting to remove Trump from office. This compares confusingly to Mike Lee's 45% approval to 41% disapproval. Apparently people have stronger feelings about Mitt.
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by moksha »

I think the Romney haters are the exact same Mormons who view Trump as the messiah and wish Utah, Southern Idaho, and Northern Arizona to withdraw from the United States and form the Kingdom of Deseret under the banner of the DezNat Party. Ammon Bundy will step forward to pledge fealty to Trump and accept the Kingship of Deseret.
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by deacon blues »

Romney haters are mostly Trump worshippers, whether in or out of the Church. Personally, I like Romney, but I liked his Dad better. 8-)
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by moksha »

Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
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Re: Mormons and Romney

Post by hmb »

moksha wrote: Sun May 09, 2021 6:32 pm Image
How dare they have a spine to stand up for truth. How dare they not be either actively with Trumpism or, at the least, be quiet (doubt your doubts) and follow the will of the Trumpsters. Follow the Q, don't go astray, conservatism be damned. Tow the line, stay in the boat.
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