1. The Adamites were our ancestors and they all were part of the Mormon faith. They originated in the Garden of Eden and were kicked out when they gained sentience, to then live at Adam-ondi-Ahman on the North American Continent, which later became Daviess County, Missouri. The Archaic Mormons of that dispensation were not yet ready for the penultimate Mormon doctrine of polygamy, so such info was not included in the fruit of knowledge. Even if it had been, Adam had yet to meet his eventual in-laws.
2. Apart from the first Archaic Mormons was a second group that had evolved on the plains of the Serengeti in Africa. This group would later spread out to other parts of the globe. Latter-day Saints would name this group pre-Adamites, although the pre-Adamites descendants would give them the name Homo Sapiens.
3. At some point in the story, the Archaic Mormons met and intermingled with the Homo Sapiens. The tellers of the story on those LDS internet sites were a bit fuzzy on precise meeting details. Perhaps the Adamite descendants traveled across the Bering Sea bridge and made their way to Israel.
This has some plausibility, does it not?