Family Scripture Study - D&C
Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:59 pm
WARNING - Long Post.
As a TBM I, along with my wife, insisted that our family have daily scripture study. We diligently read out loud from our own scriptures when our oldest kids were still babies. When they got old enough to sit for short stories we began reading to them from the Scripture Stories series of books, starting with the BoM.
We were naively shocked when at a young age, our kids had honed in on the lessons and pages where someone got burned to death or beheaded for doing good, or pictures of Ammon ready to chop off bags of arms. They had been largely shielded from violence, but the latched onto it quick when it came from the scriptures.
As our kids got older, we have struggled somewhat to have scripture study be meaningful for all age groups. The older kids were bored to death of the comic-like scripture stories, while the younger kids couldn't read or understand actual scripture. But we did our best.
Fast forward some more years and my shelf has broken completely. If not for my DW/family I would have left the church years ago. But I committed to supporting her, and much of our... social/financial standing... is dependent on our ward and stake relationships. As you all know, despite a complete lack of faith in anything Mormon, I have still been fulfilling my calling commitments as a bishopric counselor and now EQP.
Through all of that, we have continued nightly family scripture study. It wasn't so bad two years ago while going through the New Testament. The BoM was significantly worse, but I still managed to find a few ideas or principles that I agreed with and we managed some decent discussions. All the while I referred to the "stories" and "characters" of the BoM. A couple of times, I pointed out that there was no evidence of BoM events, like Ammon guarding flocks of sheep when there were no herded sheep in the American continent. DW would often cut those conversations short and end scripture study there.
But this year... studying D&C. I just CAN'T do it.
I purposely avoided contributing much to discussions this past week as DW taught about JS's youth - how he valiantly turned down alcohol and braved the painful surgery with only his father's arms around him, etc. One night, she chose to read the verses from D&C 1 that refer to the church as the "...only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth..." Thankfully, she focused on the "living" part and deliberately left out the "true" part during the discussion. I chimed in that, to me, a living organization could be any organization that motivated you to do/be better. If it actively helped you in your life, then to you, it is living. DW agreed, and ended the conversation.
That brings us to last night. DW proclaimed that she had led scripture study every night this week and it was now my turn. I couldn't find anything in D&C 1 that I felt good sharing, so I went to the D&C Scripture Stories kids book. DW had already ready chapter 1, which put me on chapter 2 - The First Vision.
I immediately set about finding something else, anything else, to contribute but came up blank and kids were breaking down. I gave in and let the kids know what I was about to read. I mentioned that there are multiple versions of the first vision, and that this coming week we would spend time talking about the background to the first vision as well as the multiple accounts and their differences. DW objected - "They're too young for so much detail." I acknowledged that I could keep it at their level and started to read.
While reading I tried to filter out some of the blatant spin. I skipped mention of Satan altogether because that story caused many nights of crying and nightmares when one of our oldest was still young. I finally got to the part where God and JC appear to JS.... and I couldn't do it. I literally started crying.
I know what you're thinking. It was NOT the spirit.
I was hurting. I felt like I was lying to my kids. I felt... trapped. I couldn't breathe, and my heart was pounding like crazy.
DW asked if I was okay. I gave her the book and told her I couldn't do it. She read the rest of the story verbatim to the kids.
After the kids were in bed, we talked briefly. I told her I felt like I was lying to them. She acknowledged that they might think I've been lying to them someday themselves. She agreed that I should tell them where I am at sooner rather than later. I also committed to creating some outlines of topics we could discuss during the week in place of fust following the Come Follow Me plan.
DW has been surprisingly supportive on those last points.
I am excited about frank family discussions on actual church history. But I don't quite know how to approach it with our kids raning in age from 3 to 11. DW is right, I can't flood them with dates and names. They won't care whether the Palmyra revival happend in 1820 or 1824. They won't really care that Lucy said Nephi visited JS in his room to tell him that no churches were true. Or that in JS's 1832 FV account he already knew no church were true and instead only wanted personal forgiveness from the singular "Lord."
I am struggling because I also see this as an opportunity to engage DW in some form of discussion about real history rather than "church history." She usually just avoids those discussions because she "hasn't had time to study" even one book in the past 5 years.
And there it is. Blah.
As a TBM I, along with my wife, insisted that our family have daily scripture study. We diligently read out loud from our own scriptures when our oldest kids were still babies. When they got old enough to sit for short stories we began reading to them from the Scripture Stories series of books, starting with the BoM.
We were naively shocked when at a young age, our kids had honed in on the lessons and pages where someone got burned to death or beheaded for doing good, or pictures of Ammon ready to chop off bags of arms. They had been largely shielded from violence, but the latched onto it quick when it came from the scriptures.
As our kids got older, we have struggled somewhat to have scripture study be meaningful for all age groups. The older kids were bored to death of the comic-like scripture stories, while the younger kids couldn't read or understand actual scripture. But we did our best.
Fast forward some more years and my shelf has broken completely. If not for my DW/family I would have left the church years ago. But I committed to supporting her, and much of our... social/financial standing... is dependent on our ward and stake relationships. As you all know, despite a complete lack of faith in anything Mormon, I have still been fulfilling my calling commitments as a bishopric counselor and now EQP.
Through all of that, we have continued nightly family scripture study. It wasn't so bad two years ago while going through the New Testament. The BoM was significantly worse, but I still managed to find a few ideas or principles that I agreed with and we managed some decent discussions. All the while I referred to the "stories" and "characters" of the BoM. A couple of times, I pointed out that there was no evidence of BoM events, like Ammon guarding flocks of sheep when there were no herded sheep in the American continent. DW would often cut those conversations short and end scripture study there.
But this year... studying D&C. I just CAN'T do it.
I purposely avoided contributing much to discussions this past week as DW taught about JS's youth - how he valiantly turned down alcohol and braved the painful surgery with only his father's arms around him, etc. One night, she chose to read the verses from D&C 1 that refer to the church as the "...only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth..." Thankfully, she focused on the "living" part and deliberately left out the "true" part during the discussion. I chimed in that, to me, a living organization could be any organization that motivated you to do/be better. If it actively helped you in your life, then to you, it is living. DW agreed, and ended the conversation.
That brings us to last night. DW proclaimed that she had led scripture study every night this week and it was now my turn. I couldn't find anything in D&C 1 that I felt good sharing, so I went to the D&C Scripture Stories kids book. DW had already ready chapter 1, which put me on chapter 2 - The First Vision.
I immediately set about finding something else, anything else, to contribute but came up blank and kids were breaking down. I gave in and let the kids know what I was about to read. I mentioned that there are multiple versions of the first vision, and that this coming week we would spend time talking about the background to the first vision as well as the multiple accounts and their differences. DW objected - "They're too young for so much detail." I acknowledged that I could keep it at their level and started to read.
While reading I tried to filter out some of the blatant spin. I skipped mention of Satan altogether because that story caused many nights of crying and nightmares when one of our oldest was still young. I finally got to the part where God and JC appear to JS.... and I couldn't do it. I literally started crying.
I know what you're thinking. It was NOT the spirit.
I was hurting. I felt like I was lying to my kids. I felt... trapped. I couldn't breathe, and my heart was pounding like crazy.
DW asked if I was okay. I gave her the book and told her I couldn't do it. She read the rest of the story verbatim to the kids.
After the kids were in bed, we talked briefly. I told her I felt like I was lying to them. She acknowledged that they might think I've been lying to them someday themselves. She agreed that I should tell them where I am at sooner rather than later. I also committed to creating some outlines of topics we could discuss during the week in place of fust following the Come Follow Me plan.
DW has been surprisingly supportive on those last points.
I am excited about frank family discussions on actual church history. But I don't quite know how to approach it with our kids raning in age from 3 to 11. DW is right, I can't flood them with dates and names. They won't care whether the Palmyra revival happend in 1820 or 1824. They won't really care that Lucy said Nephi visited JS in his room to tell him that no churches were true. Or that in JS's 1832 FV account he already knew no church were true and instead only wanted personal forgiveness from the singular "Lord."
I am struggling because I also see this as an opportunity to engage DW in some form of discussion about real history rather than "church history." She usually just avoids those discussions because she "hasn't had time to study" even one book in the past 5 years.
And there it is. Blah.