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Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:53 pm
by moksha
Hope this is the right forum since Support is taken up by items like the Pandemic and Halloween. Anyway, ran into this interesting article on spotting the Anti-Christ and thought it might be of some interest. ... edictions/

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:11 pm
by deacon blues
I read a little and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :lol: :cry:

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:31 pm
by alas
deacon blues wrote: Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:11 pm I read a little and I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :lol: :cry:
This was my reaction. I just wasn’t sure if it was hilariously true, :lol: tragically true, 😢 infuriatingly true, 🤯 or terrifyingly true.😱

I am not sure how much I believe any scripture, but this sure hits home. The biggest thing is exactly the thing that bothers me most about trump. He is an anti Christ figure precisely because people think of him as some kind of Savior.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 6:58 am
by Hagoth
That is BRILLIANT! I'm at a loss for words.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:10 am
by Hagoth
My favorite part:

“And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.”
2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 12:18 pm
by wtfluff
I haven't read the article... And I probably won't.

But reading the title of the thread again, this popped into my head: I bet Chad & Lori Daybell (both MORmONs) could spot the Anti-Christ.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:15 pm
by SaidNobody
Hagoth wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 11:10 am My favorite part:

“And he will exalt himself above all… so that he sets himself up in God’s own temple in Israel, proclaiming himself to be God.”
2nd Thess 2:4, Rev 17.
This sort of thing is why people hate Trump so much.

Trump thanked a man for his kind words and quoted them. And they were very high praise. Trump didn't say them, he thanked someone that did.

Now, if Trump had a media or press as Obama did, he would not need to point out that a foreign official was deeply grateful for his work. And many are grateful. Like South Korea is constantly thanking him. And Ukraine thanks him. Even US governors thank you. And Trump retweets the comments because if he doesn't toot his own horn, no one else will.

It should make anyone suspicious that so many governors and foreign leaders can be quoted or retweeted with very high praise yet our MSM cannot say a single good word about him. I know I am weird, but this would set off red flags for me. I mean, can anyone be as bad as the MSM paints Trump? And yet, he can "quote" some praise like this.

Yet, you and others here will see this as narcissism and never wonder why an official of Isreal would praise him so much. Like, what if Trump might have actually saved a nation from being wiped off the planet? You do realize that Obama literally stabbed Isreal in the back in the last week of his administration. The world's intention to destroy Isreal has been clear for years and America was their one last ally. Some in Isreal see Trump as a savior. And all he really did was what we should have been doing all along.

Your hate blinds you.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:02 pm
by SaidNobody
I would like to thank you guys, not many forums would even know how to read my words.

So I would like to put in my two cents on this.

If you consider who God, you must conclude that at the very least God is some conscious being that can build the multiverse. In my mind, this isn't going to be JS version of God, a man of body, parts, and passions, (no offense to Joseph.) Like, imagine that all of the powers and laws of mathematics could be consciousness. You could imagine a line between two points and then pretend you had to go around it. The universe is an illusion, that we all play at.

Now, God is the raw power of creation. But. . . . . what makes it work? There is a concept: Christ, through whom all things are created. I have pondered many years on what could be the "christ." To God, all things are spiritual. Christ must also be something spiritual.

With Jesus, you can learn some things of what Christ could be. I think ultimately, without making hundreds of little tweaks to the idea, that Christ is Respect. Like, you can make something work, but without respect, they eventually break down. Like a marriage, for example. You can marry someone for love or sex, but without respect, it breaks down.

The Anti-Christ would be the decay, or lack of Christ, (respect.)

Joseph Smith asked God which church was the true church and was told, "They have a form of godliness but deny the power, therefore." Of course, the church says this refers to Priesthood. But, what if it was more about this "respect" that might be my version of Christ. Pretending to be righteous but disrespecting those around you could also be this.

Now, I know that we have put Trump in the running for the anti-christ, as he is seemly very disrespectful. However, considering that Trump is playing on a bigger stage than your local ward stage, what is respect? Honoring our promises? Studying up for our allies? Demanding your allies do their part? Respecting your promises? Is calling Rose O'Donnell a fat cow disrespectful, or fighting back?

I don't see Trump as the actual Christ, but I can see where he is an agent of the office. I think what is happening in America today, where we dilute the meaning of so many terms so that we do not offend people. Like, while some people might genuinely not be able to lose weight because of DNA most fat people are really just being lazy. They might have excuses about why they don't exercise and eat too much but are we respecting people by killing them with low expectations? So it is more respectful to lie to them and support them in circling the drain, or would it be respectful to expect better of them?

Anyway, I judge people by their fruits. And sometimes, what I see in the fruit isn't always the same as what others see. Like, are all of the easily offended people hating Trump because he is respectful or disrespectful? Like, if you believe a woman that says 5 men raped her an act of respect or disrespect?

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 4:27 pm
by PalmSprings
Great Post SaidNobody. The fact that everyone is screaming at the tops of their lungs "Orange Bad Man" is the big clue that he is not the anti-christ. Nor is he even that bad of a guy. May I also submit that all the fervor is really to distract everyone's attention away from something or someone much more sinister. If you were planning an evil scheme this would be the perfect opportunity to implement it. Just blame it all on Trump!

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:57 pm
by Reuben

Sure, our team has made some mistakes. Everyone does.

But the other team, they're evil. Sinister. Anti-Christ. Socialists. Capitalists. Whatever, as long as my team thinks the descriptor is really bad.

It's all so predictable. Let's have some creativity, yeah? I'll start.

Could Mormons spot an alien impostor?

When will the left figure out that their ideology has been spoon-fed to them by time-traveling socialists?

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:20 pm
by moksha
Reuben wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:57 pm Awesome.

Sure, our team has made some mistakes. Everyone does.

But the other team, they're evil. Sinister. Anti-Christ. Socialists. Capitalists. Whatever, as long as my team thinks the descriptor is really bad.

It's all so predictable. Let's have some creativity, yeah? I'll start.

Could Mormons spot an alien impostor?

When will the left figure out that their ideology has been spoon-fed to them by time-traveling socialists?
Reuben, so you think we are ready for the meat of the gospel regarding these time-traveling socialists? Hopefully, our team is stoked on enough cognitive dissonance that we can resist all the so-called "reality" which the normals will bombard us with.

Re: Could Mormons Spot the Anti-Christ?

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 8:35 am
by SaidNobody
Reuben wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:57 pm Awesome.

Sure, our team has made some mistakes. Everyone does.

But the other team, they're evil. Sinister. Anti-Christ. Socialists. Capitalists. Whatever, as long as my team thinks the descriptor is really bad.

It's all so predictable. Let's have some creativity, yeah? I'll start.

Could Mormons spot an alien impostor?

When will the left figure out that their ideology has been spoon-fed to them by time-traveling socialists?
There is nothing wrong with socialism, in the right context. Like churches are basically socialist governments. What is cool about socialism in churches is that if you don't like it, you can leave. But the church basically lives on the goodwill of the people. When they try to force people to contribute, as I sometimes think Tithing does, the church begins to breakdown.

If time-traveling socialists from the future are here, chances are, they are part of one of the churches. And they are trying to take over the world. However, it is unlikely that a socialist government of any kind would develop the ability to time travel. So, there is your impostor right there. No socialist came from the future.