Captain Moroni and Trump
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2020 10:41 am
A place to love and accept the people who think about and live Mormonism on their own terms.
Having read the Book of Mormon, and Nibley's essay on Freeman and Kingman in the Book of Mormon, I missed the parts of the story where Captain Moroni paid off mistresses, separated children from refugee parents as deterrent, hired corrupt and ignorant people to undermine the government, flattered and schmoozed tyrants, stacked the courts, deregulated environmental and financial protections, sought to gut healthcare, refused to personally go down to battle himself (bone spur deferments), denigrated science, undermined relationships with close allies, cut both taxes and accountability for the rich, demonized immigrants and refugees, pressured Ukraine to provide smears of his legitimate political opponents, had his science office declare victory over a pandemic at the same time that infections set new record highs and leading all nations in deaths by a shocking margin, demonstrating in every divisive superspreader rally that he cares nothing for the blood of his people, and lied constantly and shamelessly.