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Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:23 am
by Hagoth
My son decided to buy an AK-47 as an investment since he heard they're selling like hotcakes. He's been scouring the websites that sell those kinds of weapons and says ALL guns have recently sold out everywhere. I find that very disturbing.
Re: Guns
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:06 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Hagoth wrote:My son decided to buy an AK-47 as an investment since he heard they're selling like hotcakes. He's been scouring the websites that sell those kinds of weapons and says ALL guns have recently sold out everywhere. I find that very disturbing.
It's simply fear based economics, the same shortages happen anytime a democrat is bound to come into office with the threat of new restrictions. As soon as the fear subsides, availability returns and prices drop again. Your son will end up buying at a high price right now and lose money when the fear ebbs again. Although guns are durable goods and tend to last almost forever if unused. He may be better off buying airline and cruise line and hotel stocks as those will be cheap right now and go high when Covid subsides.
Re: Guns
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:46 pm
by Hagoth
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: ↑Sat Aug 29, 2020 4:06 pm
He may be better off buying airline and cruise line and hotel stocks as those will be cheap right now and go high when Covid subsides.
I totally agree. More likely he will have moved on to other interests by then.
Nothing is better for the gun/ammo industry than the fantasy that the Democrats are coming to take them from you. I have a friend who even built and underground vault in his back yard so he have to deal with Obama prying his guns from his cold, dead fingers.
Re: Guns
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:36 pm
by Just This Guy
Hagoth wrote: ↑Sat Aug 29, 2020 11:23 am
My son decided to buy an AK-47 as an investment since he heard they're selling like hotcakes. He's been scouring the websites that sell those kinds of weapons and says ALL guns have recently sold out everywhere. I find that very disturbing.
First rule of investing: Buy when no one else is buying, sell when everyone is buying. Now is the wrong time to buy guns if you want to invest with it. Prices are already high, meaning that once the wold settles down, demand will go down and so will prices.
Demand has already peaked. There really is only one place for it to go now and that is down. Unless you can buy and quickly flip it, such an investment is going to loose money. I don't think you can short sell something like a fine arm.
If anything, I would expect a minor crash in the price of firearms over the next few months. Everyone will have bought what they wanted and many will not see the need for more for a while. Supply will be high and demand low. That will be the time to buy.
Re: Guns
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:14 am
by Hagoth
I am very disappointed that guns are now becoming a standard component of Black Lives Matter demonstrations. I fear that some more really bad things are going to happen.
Re: Guns
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:13 am
by RubinHighlander
Hagoth wrote: ↑Mon Aug 31, 2020 7:14 am
I am very disappointed that guns are now becoming a standard component of Black Lives Matter demonstrations. I fear that some more really bad things are going to happen.
It's just Darwinism trying to do it's thing. Monkeys killing monkeys killing monkeys. So many big red buttons that say "Don't Push". The military industrial complexes should just relabel those big read buttons:
Then it would line up more with the big cosmic joke of this tiny little blue speck.
Re: Guns
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 4:08 pm
by Red Ryder
I have a friend who bought a few AR-15’s right before Obama was president on the fear noted above. He held and sold a few of them but not really the gold at the end of the rainbow he had in mind.