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Post by blazerb »

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to help out with a church service project. We were all wearing yellow shirts or vests with "Mormon Helping Hands" printed on the front and back and an advertisement for It occurred to me that not even dozens of victories for Satan could prevent the church from getting as much PR benefit as possible from our work. I would have thought that the church could spring $1 million or so to get new shirts, but apparently it does not want to diminish the brand value of those yellow shirts. Although that's a little confusing to me since Scientology uses a color of yellow that is very similar if I remember correctly. But there are probably many more Mormon helping hands than there are Scientologists so the brand value is not too tarnished.
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Ho Lee Turtle
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Re: Mormon

Post by Ho Lee Turtle »

I hope no one gets those yellow shirts confused with the Southern Baptist Disaster relief teams. :) I’ve worked with their groups on service projects before and they are well organized and terrific to work with. They are very genuine and do a lot to help others in their times of real need.

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Re: Mormon

Post by moksha »

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Re: Mormon

Post by blazerb »

Is yellow an official color for volunteers?
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Re: Mormon

Post by Not Buying It »

Gotta love the way God's one and only true Church led by a prophet who received constant revelation from the Almighty Himself can't figure out whether the word "Mormon"" is bad or not.
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Re: Mormon

Post by jfro18 »

It's funny that they've put so many resources into the name change and yet won't buy new tshirts.

The amount of $$ they likely threw in the dumpster in just search engine optimization online had to be immense, and then the amount dumped back in for the new marketing/branding...

And yet they can't get new shirts? I guess they figure the public will always know you're Mormon anyway. :lol:
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Re: Mormon

Post by misterfake371 »

Around 2011, the Church did the big "I'm a Mormon" push. They had billboards that said "I'm a Mormon," and they had that movie called "Meet the Mormons." They encouraged everybody to create online profiles on their new social media-style website. I made one of those profiles. The start of every profile bio was, "Hi, I'm __________, and I'm a Mormon" Then less than a decade later, the prophet said, "we're not Mormon anymore. If someone asks you, 'Are you Mormon'? you should respond, 'if by "Mormon" you mean "a member of the Church of Latter-day Saints" then, yes.'"
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Re: Mormon

Post by Hagoth »

And they had a prophet who went out of his way to make it clear in conference that Mormon is a good name and we should be PROUD to call ourselves Mormons. Two prophets later and Satan is laughing with delight, as the song says, when you say it.. Beats me.
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