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Heartland & heartbreaks

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 1:41 pm
by Hagoth
I checked in with an old friend to see how his family is weathering the weird times. He was excited to tell me about a video series he had discovered called Hidden in the Heartland and wanted me to check it out. He had never heard of the Hopewell and said that he had an easier time imagining the Book of Mormon in North America than in Mesoamerica. He also asked me if I have heard about the ten-foot skeletons.

I found the series on Amazon Prime video and decided to check it out. ... ag=mh0b-20

By the time I had watched just the opening credits and already seen the Kinderhook Plates and the Michigan Relics I realized I was looking at a piece of Rod Meldrum & Wayne May flim-flam.

I wrote back to my friend with no intention of going all anti-Mormon on him. I explained how skeletons can disarticulate and spread out over time due to bioturbation and geoturbation, so an uniformed farmer or hobbyist who digs one up and measures it might come up with 8 feet, but that I had never even heard claims of ten-footers.

He acknowledged that if there are ten-foot skeletons around one of them should have shown up in a museum somewhere.

I told him about the Moundbuilder Myth and warned him to check the sources and be suspicious of anything that hasn't been verified since the turn of the 20th century. I told him that ancient North Americans didn't smelt steel, but they did cold-hammered pure copper.

No response.

My friend has a generally good sense of humor so I tried again, "the great thing about having multiple geography theories is that if you can't afford a tour of Book of Mormon sites in Mesoamerica there is always a cheaper option to visit the same sites closer to home."

No response.

So now I'm wondering if I lost an old friend by not getting all excited about some very bad "archaeology." I mean, he knows that I have been studying this stuff in my latest college career. Are Mormons that fragile? What am I supposed to say? "Ten foot skeletons! Awesome!" "The Hopewell piled up dirt? They must be Nephites!" "Hebrew writing in Ohio? Sounds legit!" I know that he and his wife are really into stories of people finding Noah's ark and stuff like that.

I guess I'll give him a couple of days and try again in the most non-Korihor-like way I can devise.

Re: Heartland & heartbreaks

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:58 pm
by jfro18
That's rough - sorry that even a tame response led to possible cutoff in communications.

There is such a fear that comes from getting pushback to this stuff. Hopefully with a little time you can pretend it didn't happen.

You could always send him this link that is from May (I remembered it from the board): Archaeology: Saga of giant Mound Builders is a tall tale that won’t go away @ ... ot-go-away

Re: Heartland & heartbreaks

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 6:24 pm
by Hagoth
jfro18 wrote: Sat Jul 25, 2020 4:58 pm That's rough - sorry that even a tame response led to possible cutoff in communications.

There is such a fear that comes from getting pushback to this stuff. Hopefully with a little time you can pretend it didn't happen.

You could always send him this link that is from May (I remembered it from the board): Archaeology: Saga of giant Mound Builders is a tall tale that won’t go away @ ... ot-go-away
Thanks jfro. If he can't handle what I said I doubt that article will smooth it over. The book he discusses in the article sounds great and I just ordered it.

Here's something that really annoys me about the Heartlanders, and specifically Meldrum and May. They (Book of Mormon still continue to wave haplogroup X around as conclusive evidence for the BoM. Kennewick Man's DNA sequencing was published in 2015. He had haplogroup X and he predated the BoM by several thousand years. That can only mean two things: either they are intentionally deceptive con men or they are extremely lazy and/or ignorant of the field in which they purport to be experts. Hidden in the Heartland was released in 2016 and they continue to publish new articles on their website that make that claim.

Re: Heartland & heartbreaks

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:04 pm
by Red Ryder
Flip your perspective around.

Start with BOM = True
Then work backwards and into your evidence.
I’m positive you’ll get a response from him.


Check out the book reviews:
Chloroform On Videotape
Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2019
Sublime in all aspects , the flickering tongue-tells of this babel of untruth-tellers will inspire paroxysms of face palming for generations to come.
Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2019
Best description of where the Book of Mormon took place!
I love this documentary, it puts the Book of Mormon where it should be, in the U.S.A. not central or south Americas. The civilizations in central and South America were remnants of Jaredites.
As a new, self-developing Mormon, I am VERY surprised this isn't common knowledge.
This recording is proof as to how warped and bent the rogue conspiracies are of our times.
I'd imagine as the Constitution guarantees us all the Right to conspire freely about each's own difficult situation.
However, this is a whole different light on cards. If you put some of this history next to modern education you'll notice the reaction.
You'll see how warped America has become. It's with a firm and cold hardiness that the fact of our history has been to form gangs or militias.
The radical idea that somehow just short moments following the Revolution of 1776, a group may arise to destroy the free world.
Please follow the history that Elijah Abel and Joseph Smith began.
It mustn't ever go beneath the curtains.
God be with you

Re: Heartland & heartbreaks

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:15 pm
by Hagoth
I read an account of a 19th century guy who claimed to have dug up a 16-foot tall human skeleton. He hadn't shown any of the bones to anyone but was collecting information about how much people would be willing to pay to see some of them. I imagine that he was waiting for the feedback to know how much plaster to order.