My favorite example of chiasmus:
Longer Rendering (stolen from ... m-chiasms/)
A “I am Sam… Sam I am … [response]
B Do you like green eggs and ham? … [response]
C Would you like them here or there?… [response]
D Would you like them in a house… with a mouse?… [response]
E Would you like them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox?… [response]
F Would you? Could you? In a car?… [response] You may like them. You will see. You may like them in a tree!…[response]
G A train! A train!.. Could you, would you on a train? … [response]
H … Here in the dark! Would you, could you, in the dark? … [response]
I Would you, could you, in the rain? … [response]
J … Would you, could you, with a goat? … [response]
K Would you, could you, on a boat? … [response]
L You do not like them. So you say. Try them!
Try them! And you may.
Try them and you may, I say.
L’ Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them. You will see. [tries them] Say! I like green eggs and ham!
K’ And I would eat them in a boat.
J’ And I would eat them with a goat…
I’ And I will eat them in the rain.
H’ And in the dark.
G’ And on a train.
F’ And in a car. And in a tree. They are so good, so good, you see!
E’ So I will eat them in a box. And I will eat them with a fox.
D’ And I will eat them in a house. And I will eat them with a mouse.
C’ And I will eat them here and there. Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!
B’ I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you!
A’ Sam I am!”
(Dr. Seuss 1960:3-62)