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If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:01 am
by annotatedbom
For Come Follow Me, Lesson 22, Jun 1-7, 2020, Alma 5-7

If I wanted to encourage thought and try to understand devout believers better, I might ask:
Were there really sheep in the Americas during Book of Mormon times?

See the Things to consider for this lesson.

And, here’s a list of some other observations about this lesson’s reading.


Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:19 pm
by deacon blues
I just wanted to say again, thanks for this wonderful resource. We visited TBM stepson and family today, and your lesson from last week was right on. I choose not to push any points, but this coming weeks discussion of sheep could lead to some very interesting discussions. :)

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:24 pm
by annotatedbom
Thanks Deac! That means a lot to me.

I hope the Annotated BoM helps validate some of us and maybe even helps a few devout Mormons have a little better understanding of why their loved one or other acquaintance can no longer believe. I doubt many devout believers would change their mind about the BoM because of what I write. I try to address the evidence, but most don't believe because of the evidence. My writing doesn't do much by way of telling a personal story, so it's not likely to touch the heart of a believer. But, that's okay because there are plenty of other sources out there to help bring believers to the rabbit hole of evidence against the Church when a person is ready for that.

Hope it isn't too unpleasant sitting through Come Follow Me lessons with your fam. If you ever do end up sharing information with some of your believers that is problematic for BoM claims, please share some of that experience with us if you're comfortable with that (whether the info came from my Annotated BoM or not).

Best wishes amigo,

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:17 pm
by Palerider
I'd like to see the Nephite who could catch a Bighorn lamb. :roll:

Especially in the areas where they live.

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:45 am
by annotatedbom
Palerider wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 9:17 pm I'd like to see the Nephite who could catch a Bighorn lamb. :roll:

Especially in the areas where they live.
Hahaa! Well, I’m sure you’ve seen the Arnold Friberg paintings of Nephites. Certainly the athletic physiques he portrayed shows that if anybody could have caught a bighorn lamb, it would have been a Nephite.

What’s that you say? Any reality depicted in BoM art is merely coincidental? Shudder at the thought!

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:36 pm
by Hagoth
annotatedbom wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:45 am Hahaa! Well, I’m sure you’ve seen the Arnold Friberg paintings of Nephites. Certainly the athletic physiques he portrayed shows that if anybody could have caught a bighorn lamb, it would have been a Nephite.
Not to mention Ammon defending the king's "flocks."
My former bishop, who is far better read than most members, came to the conclusion that Lamoni's flocks must have been turkeys because that's pretty much the only possible American substitute of something that could be raised in flocks.

Also, Jesus talked to the Nephites about chickens, which would have been a real WTF moment in the sermon. What's that apologist? Chicken bones were found on the coast of South America? You mean the ones from a much later time period and far outside of BoM geography, and that were genetically traced directly to Polynesia?

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:00 pm
by 2bizE
Folks, let’s not forget that the earliest Americans crossed the ice bridge to Alaska like 13,000 years ago and came down the coast and perhaps even by Rocky Mountains. They could have been exposed to Dall Sheep and Bighorn Sheep. They could have told the BoM people about them during a 600 bc Family Home Evening while eating popcorn and pork chops.

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:19 am
by moksha
Evidence of the Lost Sheep of Beringia may have been hidden by the Cumoms and Cureloms
when they tidied up the continent after their friends the Nephites disappeared.

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:41 pm
by Reuben
Hagoth wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:36 pm
annotatedbom wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:45 am Hahaa! Well, I’m sure you’ve seen the Arnold Friberg paintings of Nephites. Certainly the athletic physiques he portrayed shows that if anybody could have caught a bighorn lamb, it would have been a Nephite.
Not to mention Ammon defending the king's "flocks."
My former bishop, who is far better read than most members, came to the conclusion that Lamoni's flocks must have been turkeys because that's pretty much the only possible American substitute of something that could be raised in flocks.

Also, Jesus talked to the Nephites about chickens, which would have been a real WTF moment in the sermon. What's that apologist? Chicken bones were found on the coast of South America? You mean the ones from a much later time period and far outside of BoM geography, and that were genetically traced directly to Polynesia?
Those chicken bones are so last decade. The chickens Jesus referred to were actually turkeys.

The Reformed Egyptian word for "turkey" was variously translated (by the power of God!) into "flocks" (plural), "chicken," "curelom" and "horse," depending on context.

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:05 pm
by Hagoth
Freidberg's forgotten last painting:

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 4:36 pm
by annotatedbom
Hagoth wrote: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:36 pm Also, Jesus talked to the Nephites about chickens, which would have been a real WTF moment in the sermon. What's that apologist? Chicken bones were found on the coast of South America? You mean the ones from a much later time period and far outside of BoM geography, and that were genetically traced directly to Polynesia?
I challenged an apologist (albeit, certainly not of FairMormon caliber) once on the chicken reference, and if memory serves, they linked to an article about chickens in pre-Columbian America that actually put the earliest date of them in the Americas as long after Moroni allegedly buried the plates in the Hill Cumorah. I think I remember American chickens were here maybe as early as the 1300s. Poor apologist.

Re: If I could ask them one question . . . Come Follow Me, Lesson 22

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 12:20 am
by Reuben
Hagoth wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 3:05 pm Freidberg's forgotten last painting:
That's what I'm talkin' about, my man. One of his best works, a fine rendition of Enos on horseback.