I don't think anyone ever posted this one, but it's from March and is a podcast by RFM on backdating prophecy from the Bible to the Book of Mormon.
When it came out I listened to it as I was working but I was unable to pay a lot of attention so I listened again this morning and it's just so good. I've heard so much about the Deutero-Isaiah problem in the Book of Mormon, but I had never been exposed to the long ending of Mark problem for the Book of Mormon which seems like a really damning one no one talks about?
Anyway... if you're inclined to listen, the podcast is @ https://mormondiscussionpodcast.org/202 ... -prophecy/
RFM Podcast: Backdating Prophecy
Re: RFM Podcast: Backdating Prophecy
It was the final straw that broke my shelf.
ETA: I hadn't heard it from any "anti-Mormon" source. I just stumbled on it while reading the BoM and I realized that what I was reading was the same late addition to Mark I had recently read in a Bart Ehrman book. And here it is in the Book of Freakin' Mormon. Kaboom!
“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."
Jesus: "The Kingdom of God is within you." The Buddha: "Be your own light."