Obedience to the law, supporting terror?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:09 pm
So we have a SP who was born and bred in Holland, but lived in the UK for 15 years.
He returned here, to become SP a year later.
He is Anglicized, and knows little of Dutch customs, laws etc.
So he hatched a plan to help "refugees" from Syria.
The bishops received an email on Fridaynight.
We got it on Saturday, with the request to donate old winterclothing on Sunday.
SP would bring it to Dunkirk/France on Monday while underway to the UK.
I wrote him a note, commending his good heart, and asking him several questions.
1. Are you aware that these are only so-called refugees, who illegally entered the EU, bypässed the ofiicial asylum-canals
2. Are you aware that the camp is unrecognised by the French Government, and only condoned by the weak-hearted mayor of Dunkirk
3. Are you aware of the fact tha the Church wants to follow the laws of the land.
4. Considering the conflict between points 1+2 and 3 do you think it´s wise to proceed
5. Do these people need winterclothes, 99% wants to go to England, why do we not provide them with dinghy´s, lifevests, swimwear etc. etc.
The mail did not go over well.
I sent it to all bishops, stakepresonnel and RSP´s in the stake.
I might have stepped on a few toes here, but I can not be bothered anymore.
We accept refugees in, try to help them, and how do we get thanked.
By attacking Christmasmarkets in Berlin, Mass-rapes in Cologne, Massacres in Nice, Paris and Brussels. All of this in the last 12 months.
And here we have an SP who says: Help them???
For the first time in 15 years we skipped our weekend in Germany in December because DW feared a Muslim-attack, and she was proved right 2 days ago.
I am angry
He returned here, to become SP a year later.
He is Anglicized, and knows little of Dutch customs, laws etc.
So he hatched a plan to help "refugees" from Syria.
The bishops received an email on Fridaynight.
We got it on Saturday, with the request to donate old winterclothing on Sunday.
SP would bring it to Dunkirk/France on Monday while underway to the UK.
I wrote him a note, commending his good heart, and asking him several questions.
1. Are you aware that these are only so-called refugees, who illegally entered the EU, bypässed the ofiicial asylum-canals
2. Are you aware that the camp is unrecognised by the French Government, and only condoned by the weak-hearted mayor of Dunkirk
3. Are you aware of the fact tha the Church wants to follow the laws of the land.
4. Considering the conflict between points 1+2 and 3 do you think it´s wise to proceed
5. Do these people need winterclothes, 99% wants to go to England, why do we not provide them with dinghy´s, lifevests, swimwear etc. etc.
The mail did not go over well.
I sent it to all bishops, stakepresonnel and RSP´s in the stake.
I might have stepped on a few toes here, but I can not be bothered anymore.
We accept refugees in, try to help them, and how do we get thanked.
By attacking Christmasmarkets in Berlin, Mass-rapes in Cologne, Massacres in Nice, Paris and Brussels. All of this in the last 12 months.
And here we have an SP who says: Help them???
For the first time in 15 years we skipped our weekend in Germany in December because DW feared a Muslim-attack, and she was proved right 2 days ago.
I am angry