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What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:38 am
by lostinmiddlemormonism
Tomorrow is the global fast for God to stop the Covid-19 pandemic that was organized by the Only True Prophet on the Earth Today even Russ Nelson.
I have been thinking of what I could give up. How many meals? How many drinks? What could I do to show my devotedness. How could I show that I am willing to sacrifice in order to help. Then it struck me.
I am willing to give up all the personal blessings that I would normally get by donating my fast offering to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Instead, I will forgo all personal blessings and instead donate the money to the local food pantry.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:45 am
by wtfluff
Since the LDS-Inc. style of fasting as proven to do absolutely NOTHING. (OK, maybe this 3rd try will kick in the MORmON magick?)
I'm going to celebrate with a day of gluttony. I don't think I'll have a problem eating twice as much as I normally do.
Edit: Support you local restaurants on Good Friday: That will do a hell of a lot more to help ease suffering from the pandemic than a passive-aggressive mini hunger-strike against reality.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:57 am
by MoPag
wtfluff wrote: ↑Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:45 am
Edit: Support you local restaurants on Good Friday: That will do a hell of a lot more to help ease suffering from the pandemic than a passive-aggressive mini hunger-strike against reality.
This is a great idea!!!!
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:24 pm
by nibbler
wtfluff wrote: ↑Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:45 am
Since the LDS-Inc. style of fasting as proven to do absolutely NOTHING. (OK, maybe this 3rd try will kick in the MORmON magick?)
Warning, this is my cynical side. I usually win the fight to keep it at bay, but it's a thought that lurks in my brain. I might as well show that thought the door and let it out.
If you're going through a prolonged drought the perfect time to do a fast for rain is when your weather models indicate rain is in the near future; however, the the key is to start the fast before it becomes obvious to all that it will rain soon. It's all about the timing. Also, if your weather models aren't the best you can go ahead with the fast for rain because it's got to rain some time.
This, of course, is supposing that it's all a con to gain followers. I don't believe the pandemic fast approaches that, I'm just releasing the cynical hounds.
I think for most people the measure of success for the pandemic fast isn't going to be a miracle, overnight cure; it's probably going to be information about when the deaths and new cases peak. Not necessarily information that we've reached the peak itself, but information that there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
I just wish that Nelson would have included
some practical advice, any practical advise at all, in addition to announcing the fast.
"Bishops. Now is not the time to figure out ways around social distancing guidelines. Don't implement plans to visit people to administer the sacrament in person. Stay. The ^#%@$. At home! Also, don't exercise unrighteous dominion by limiting who blesses the sacrament in their own homes."
Easy. Didn't even offer up up that minimal advice. I think most bishops out there have bought a clue by now, but there are a few out there still trying to score heaven points.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:14 pm
by wtfluff
nibbler wrote: ↑Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:24 pm
I just wish that Nelson would have included
some practical advice, any practical advise at all, in addition to announcing the fast.
"Bishops. Now is not the time to figure out ways around social distancing guidelines. Don't implement plans to visit people to administer the sacrament in person. Stay. The ^#%@$. At home! Also, don't exercise unrighteous dominion by limiting who blesses the sacrament in their own homes."
Easy. Didn't even offer up up that minimal advice. I think most bishops out there have bought a clue by now, but there are a few out there still trying to score heaven points.
I've been wishing one of the old coots would say something similar also.
Just imagine Rebrand-Rusty saying: "Dear Followers: "
Please do all in your power to follow the advice of scientists, healthcare professionals, and government leaders." Yet, all they can do is encourage folks to skip a couple meals, and beg for help from a god who doesn't want to be found.
My confirmation bias tells me that folks will die because they think they have to gather together to "Partake of the sacrament." (Though we are unlikely to hear about it.)
My confirmation bias also tells me that no-one in the history of humanity has died from NOT drinking symbolic demigod blood, or NOT eating symbolic demigod flesh. I haven't participated in the magick symbolic cannibalism ritual for ~15 years, the only difference I've noticed is less guilt and shame.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:32 pm
by Hagoth
nibbler wrote: ↑Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:24 pm
If you're going through a prolonged drought the perfect time to do a fast for rain is when your weather models indicate rain is in the near future; however, the the key is to start the fast before it becomes obvious to all that it will rain soon. It's all about the timing. Also, if your weather models aren't the best you can go ahead with the fast for rain because it's got to rain some time.
And if the rain doesn't come you fast again and again until it eventually comes. Then you forget all about the previous fasts and only emphasize the one that happened just before the rain.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:23 pm
by 2bizE
I will be participating in a “Not so Fast”. This will involve me ordering takeout to support local people, and saying a blessing over the takeout asking god to stop being an a$$hole and get rid of the virus as well as a pleading to God to use some of his $124 Billion to help find a cure.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:34 pm
by jfro18
Just take a quick look at the 3 previous fasts in 2020:
Fast #1: On January 5th, the Mormon church in the pacific called for a fast to petition God to help end the drought and wildfires in Australia.
Even with the fasting, it would be over a month until the wildfires finally ended - on February 10th.
Fast #2: On March 11th, the Mormon church called for a fast to petition God to provide relief to Italy during the coronavirus outbreak.
On March 11th Italy had 12,462 cases and 1,016 deaths. Today Italy has 139,422 cases and 17,669 deaths. Not a great result.
Fast #3: On March 29th, Mormon prophet Russell M. Nelson called for a fast to petition God to help relieve the coronavirus and it's impacts.
Cases on March 29th were 724,042, today they are over 1.5 million. Deaths on March 29th were 34k, today they are 88k. Another fast, same results.
If you keep fasting, eventually it will time out nicely, but the idea that the priesthood or fasting has had any impact is just ridiculous. I guess it pads the LDS bank accounts though with those fast offerings they can use to say they're humanitarians though.
Re: What will you give up for the fast?
Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:58 pm
by Reuben
I'll give up home-cooked meals: a fast food, if you will, to support local businesses and their employees. It'll be hard, but worth it.