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Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:18 pm
by Spicy McHaggis
Nothing good like a future Apostle or raising the dead. Mostly boring stuff.
**Spoiler alert** He's from the tribe of Ephraim.....didn't see that coming.

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 8:32 am
by Corsair
Patriarchal blessings used to be a really big deal. I remember hearing about my parents' blessings and how they were so sacred that I could not read them unless they showed it to me. And some blessings were rumored to have some astonishing promises in them. I have a nephew who has the promise that he will be present, as a mortal, when Jesus returns. I don't think that patriarchs are encouraged to make those kinds of material claims any longer. We have too many older people who also had that promise but have since passed away. Two of my children have patriarchal blessings and those blessings are nice, but kind of underwhelming.

Seeing an archive of blessings and tracking the themes would be enlightening. I suspect that it would tell us a lot more about the state of the church throughout history than much about the people receiving the blessing.

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:34 am
by Red Ryder
Corsair wrote:Seeing an archive of blessings and tracking the themes would be enlightening. I suspect that it would tell us a lot more about the state of the church throughout history than much about the people receiving the blessing.
That's the beauty of the internet.

The patriarchs handbook was leaked recently. Looks like the PDF had been taken down but an archive version can be found here: ... dbook2.pdf

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:28 am
by moksha
Wasn't the Tribe of Ephraim the ones who purchased Ford Edsels and took zeppelin rides in the Hindenburg?

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:02 am
by RubinHighlander
Declaration of Lineage - seems like they should totally shy away from this part now that DNA tests are so easily accessible. Just like removing the ancestry of the American Indians from the title in the BOM, you would think the COB would stop shooting themselves in the foot with individual promises of being members of Abrahamic tribes. Oh, but wait, you say; you are adopted into that tribe by virtue of your baptism into the one true gospel. Okay then, all is well.

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:20 am
by document
I completely forgot about patriarchal blessings. Mine was complete bunk. Every. Single. Prophecy. Was. False. They weren't vague, they weren't open to interpretation, there were only two predictions.

The first five or so paragraphs were all about my mission and the amazing work I would do in the particular country I was called to. Turns out I gave 0 discussions, 0 lessons, I barely learned the language, and I went home sick after a single transfer.

The last three paragraphs were about my marriage. I would marry a woman in the temple who would remain faithful, that was written in my blessing. Nope, that didn't happen. We would struggle to have children but would find children outside of biology means. Nope, 4 children and we never had a problem getting pregnant.

BUT, when I was a believer, I would continually try to spin them to work into my life or potential future. I had convinced myself that I would serve a couples' mission after retirement in my original mission and then do amazing work. I had spun what the word "struggle to have children" (or whatever it was) to make it work that even though we had no problem conceiving, it obviously meant something else.

The real struggle is the mental gymnastics to make a fortune telling come true.

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:42 am
by LadyLillith
My patriarchal blessing said I would someday marry a worthy priesthood holder. Right in front of my husband, who was in the room. Who, at the time was a worthy priesthood holder. WTF?

It was extremely hurtful to my husband and impossible to spin into anything that made sense. What a crock.

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 10:56 am
by No Tof
I love patriarchal blessings.
I look forward to reading my horoscope.
I always read the fortune in my cookie.
Nothing better then a good palm read.

Ha ha ha ha

Re: Son had Patriarchal Blessing

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 1:02 pm
by Zadok
One of my long ago shelf items was that the author of "Sun Signs" new more about me than the stake patriarch.