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Prophetic hindsight
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 12:40 pm
by Hagoth
I'm curious to see if the church starts talking about food supplies and emergency preparedness again now that there has been a pandemic (and earthquake warnings). I'm also curious to see if members would embrace such a common sense reaction as prophetic foresight, even though the prophets/seers/revelators appear to have been caught totally off guard.
Re: Prophetic hindsight
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:42 pm
by jfro18
I don't have a ton of TBMs in my social media feed, but the ones that I do have wholeheartedly embraced food storage as prophetic foresight.
Even though the church hasn't emphasized it in any real way and even though the church has been behind most corporations/sports/etc in shutting things down.
At this point most believing members will take ANYTHING said at conference as prophetic... it's really frustrating because to me this exposes them so much more than a normal situation would, but if you are always looking for parallels to make it work, you can find them.
Re: Prophetic hindsight
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:40 pm
by Hagoth
You're right, Jfro, people in the church are really starved for evidence of the essential component of their testimonies: that God is speaking to them through his living mouthpiece. It is pretty surprising to me that the church has so little to say. It's as if they are terrified of saying anything that might sound like prophesy knowing that members will act on it and, since it's not really prophesy, do more harm than good. So we're stuck with the renaming of Family Home Evening as our best evidence of prophesy, and our memories of Cold War era planning.
Re: Prophetic hindsight
Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:22 pm
by jfro18
I was listening today to the recent RFM podcast about backdating prophecy, and it really brings what is happening today home pretty good.
If anyone is interested, it's a great podcast that looks at how events both in the Bible and Book of Mormon were clearly written by people who knew about events behind them, but had not a clue as to what would happen in the future. A really good listen... I am about 75% done.