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The National Enquirer is True!
Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:33 pm
by StarbucksMom
Saw this in line at the grocery store today.
Re: The National Enquirer is True!
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 1:30 am
by Wonderment
If the Enquirer cannot bring down the church with their bombastic expose of tithing as a scam, then few other media outlets can do it. Was this written by Randy Jernigan who always had a crush on Marie Osmond, except she never gave him the time of day?
Every so often he writes an article implicating her in some scandal or the other. -- Wndr.
Re: The National Enquirer is True!
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:24 am
by moksha
The owner of the National Enquirer is a good friend of Donald Trump. This late expose might have been his way of striking a blow at Mitt Romney.
I remember back when various unflattering pictures of Eric Trump were released and the National Enquirer tried to downplay them by running the photos in stories referring to a Donkey Boy and the Bat Boy. They would have been better off just admitting the photos were of Eric. ... 209#page/4