From the newly discovered Gospel of John The Baptist
Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:01 am
Exerpt from The Gospel of the Baptist, Chapter 8:10-15
10 Then came two young maidens from across the Jordan to be baptized of John, whose names were Sarah and Martha. John saith unto Sarah, surely thou canst not enter into the waters of baptism lest ye proclaim to me thy most secret deeds, for behold I am the bearer of the holy priesthood of God and no man entereth the companionship of the saints save by me. For behold, I say unto thee, obedience is the first law of heaven.
11 Then John took Sarah a little way off into a closed chamber and asked, Sarah, hast thou touched thy unholy regions? Yea saith Sarah, though it causeth her much pain and shame to say it. John asketh, with how many fingers didst thou thyself touch, with one, two, more? Sarah’s countenance fell and her heart was pained at her sin. She saith two. Didst thou penetrate thy holy sanctuary? Saith John. And many more things did The Baptist ask of her until he causeth her to know that her worth was less than that of the mud trodden under by the feet of men. And so did The Baptist lead Sarah to know that there would be no redemption for her this day.
12 Now Martha, who had been listening from afar off sayeth in her heart, I cannot speak the truth unto this man, for shame and disgrace will be my reward all the days of my life.
14 And so Martha, who was not as virtuous as Sarah, but being the wiser of the two, spoke only as she knew The Baptist wouldst have her speak. After many questions John saith unto her, maiden, I can find no fault with the. Unlike thy sister, thou art truly worthy of thy Lord’s love. Enter ye now into the waters of baptism and ye shall have redemption and shall find love in he body of thy Lord’s church.
15 So Martha went down to the water with John to be baptized and many saints did gather around and sang songs of praise to her. Afar off, went also Sarah alone into the river and cast herself under the water unto her eternal damnation.