Reuben wrote: ↑Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:16 pm
Then what we want to be real and reality would forever be at odds. Imagine what we might do to try to resolve this permanent dissonance. More effective propaganda. Testimony meetings. Shaming. Overclaiming. Self-deception. Censorship. Manipulation. Businesses and countries are just as capable of doing all of this as religions are. Ever been to a political rally? An MLM testimony meeting?
I think what you're seeing is the result of 100% investment in an impossible reality.
Obviously civil society requires some kinds of lies. Or acceptance of symbology. Even cultures demand a kind of moral cohesion and ideological uniformity.
No matter how free or benign the society these necessities will prevail.
But i am talking about something far more oppressive. The kind of spiritual submission you see take place in heavy cults or in the old soviet block or the book 1984.
You know a place where you have to write your thoughts only in secret even from your own family as one child did in east germany because the censorship and mind control are so absolute even the act of thinking is illegal and your family or friends may be your enemy. Where any kind of thought or belief which is not in conformance makes one an illegal person. A place where your spouse could be an informer upon you.
Im not talking slogans or people willfully brainwashing themselves, but the oppressive forced acceptance of blatant false realities. Where the freedom to think and be and learn are quite thouroughly extinguished.
A persona non grata like a jew in germany.
The submission to the cult of America is absolute. The severity and level of propaganda are indicting. Im begining to feel like freedom is the ability to say 2+2=4 except every book i read. Every broadcast i see. Every newspaper article says 2+2=5. And if you do not accept this you are censored and censured. Only in the privacy of your own mind can you say a true thing.
Of course no one believes these obvious lies but they are presented as universally accepted truisms. These lies are presented as in such a way to give them the approximations of truth by figures of authority. They do not withstand even the most modest scrutiny but are universally accepted.
Even the documents are manipulated. Wide swaths of history and philosophy are thoroughly erased. Purged. You may see evidence of their existence only by evidence of their absence. I have read entire books even multiple books dedicated to why certain historical viewpoints were wrong but litterally the veiwpoint so many scholarly books were dedicated to refuting which had such sway over the minds of the people literally does not exist.
You cant find it in any reference book, it is absent from dictionaries on the subject, the librarians have never heard of it, and computer queries end up with no results. Internet results are non existant Even the god damn auto correct wants to change the word. Ex nihlo. I can read 8 volumes refuting something that does not exist.
And its not just one thing. Upon review of any subject one becomes expert in, one can find entire branches of the matter thouroughly purged.
The only thing i can relate it to would be mormon correlation where hinckley in the 1950’s went through the compendium of mormon history and sanatized it. And you would follow references of one book quoting another in a circle back to the orignal book you had started from but could never dig your way to the source material.
Except this manipulation is on a level incomprehensible even with mormon revisionism as a reference. It is absolute and obedience to it and belief in it are mandated by either manufactured ignorance or forced submission.