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Help! My Annotated Book of Mormon Could Use Proofreading Before Publishing

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:57 pm
by annotatedbom
TL;DR: I have an Annotated Book of Mormon I want to share, but I need help proofreading (English version and Portuguese version). PM me if you're interested, let me know if you want the English or the Portuguese version, and let me know how to send it to you. You could proofread only a small portion if that's all you have time for.

I'm a long-time lurker here but first-time poster. I know this site has nowhere near the numbers as the ExMo Reddit site, but there's something about you all that I admire so much. Collectively you all seem to have found a much more zen-like approach the the Mormon Church than so many other ExMos.

I joined the Church when I was 19 and enjoyed my experience as a believing member for more than a couple decades, but I only joined because I thought the Church's unique claims were true. So, when I discovered the overwhelming evidence contrary to the Church's claims, I could no longer believe or support the Church.

I believed the Church's truth claims in part because of a lack of full disclosure--a form of lying as explained by the Church (Gospel Principles, top of page 181). Because I supported this dishonesty, including promoting the Church as a missionary, I have a debt of honor to now promote the truth regarding the Church. Because of the many people who have gone before me and provided info and resources to help me through the faith transition, I have a debt of gratitude to promote the truth.

I will do this in part by sharing my Annotated Book of Mormon (inspired in part by the Week by Week Debunking of the Book of Mormon by u/piotrkaplanstwo and others on Reddit a few years ago. I could put my annotated BoM out there as is, but I'd like your help proofreading the thing first, even if you can only proofread a small portion like your favorite chapter(s). I'm amazed at the typos I find after I've been through the thing so many times.

I've drafted a Portuguese version too, but I know I don't have the gift of tongues, so that one needs serious help before I publish it.

Please PM me if you're interested in:
  • Proofreading in English or Portuguese,
  • Giving me advise on how to promote the thing,
  • Directing me to other appropriate sites for this plea, or
  • Any other advise you want to give.
The English version could go out now, but I'll wait to publish until the end of the year. I'll try to incorporate any input I get for the English version through December 26th.

The Portuguese version is rough because I'm a gringo with no gift of tongues, so I'll be gathering input on that at least until January 31 to incorporate in a February 2020 publication.

I'll continue to use relevant feedback after these dates, so don't let these deadlines stop you from giving me your 2 cents if you're interested but can't get back to me then.

Thanks for all you do! I think many of you don't realize what a support you are to the rest of us, maybe especially us lurkers.

Cheers/ Felicidades amigos!

Edited: Because words . . . Did I mention I need help proofreading? :lol:
Edited 2.0: To clarify that proofreading even a small part would be helpful.

Re: Help! My Annotated Book of Mormon Could Use Proofreading Before Publishing

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:01 pm
by Red Ryder
Sounds like a service project.

Any donuts?

Re: Help! My Annotated Book of Mormon Could Use Proofreading Before Publishing

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:39 pm
by annotatedbom
Red Ryder wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:01 pm Any donuts?
Well, if your in Salt Lake City or Utah County, I'd be willing to bump that up a level to a cup of coffee (or hot coco) and donuts.

Re: Help! My Annotated Book of Mormon Could Use Proofreading Before Publishing

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:56 pm
by Hagoth
People might not be up for committing to proofread the entire book. Maybe you could have a beta release where a subset of the target audience could read and comment with less commitment, or maybe ask for volunteers to look at smaller multi-chapter chunks?

Re: Help! My Annotated Book of Mormon Could Use Proofreading Before Publishing

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2019 8:23 am
by annotatedbom
Hagoth wrote: Mon Dec 09, 2019 3:56 pm People might not be up for committing to proofread the entire book. Maybe you could have a beta release where a subset of the target audience could read and comment with less commitment, or maybe ask for volunteers to look at smaller multi-chapter chunks?
Great point Hagoth! I just edited the original post to clarify this.
