It is hard watching your kids get fed this stuff. I'm sorry you have to suffer through it too.
Our primary program this year was a complete disaster. With the short sac. meeting vs prior years (10 whole minutes), our Primary Pres decided there was no time to waste having kids walk up to the microphones. Instead, she purchased some wireless mics and passed them down the rows. Each child was allowed to write their own single sentence of commentary for when it was their turn. My favorite was, "The bible says Jesus walked on water, but I just want to swim when I go to the beach."
Several kids dropped the microphones. One started singing the spiderman song, and since he was firmly tucked away in the middle of his row, no adults could get to him and stop him.
It was a lot of fun.
The program ended with 15 minutes to spare. The bishop got up, obviously not expecting the shorter program, said something about our "dear, sweet, kids" and then closed the meeting with 12 minutes to go. Second hour teachers were pretty ticked.
On a positive note, as we were sitting down for dinner the other day, my kids asked me if the Earth really was only 6000 years old. (Come to think of it, this was in the middle of the week so I'm not sure where exactly they heard this from recently.) I was happy when my wife spoke up and said something along the lines of "we know the earth is much older than 6000 years." I got to clarify that the real number is much closer to 4.5 Billion years, and that humans have been on the earth for around 200,000 years.
Surprisingly, they didn't really react. The one that asked just nodded and said, "That's what I thought." And we went on with dinner.
Kids are smart. They'll see through the BS... eventually.