Scientology on Mormon Stories

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Scientology on Mormon Stories

Post by 1smartdodog »

So I could not help myself and listened to about 8 hours of this podcast. Chris Shelton a former long time Scientologist, now a non believer laid it all out. It was just mend bending how insane Scientology is. Makes you wonder why the Feds have not moved in to shut it down. Scientology makes Mormonism look like a happy place. Take all the worst parts of Mormonism and hype it up on steroids and you have Scientology.

Even though I think Mormonism is benign compared to Scientology , and Mormonism does have some good things in it, it was interesting to see the parallels John was able to point out. One of the things that jumped out was how controlling both organizations try to be with your personal life. Again Scientology is way worse but the same methods are employed. They control you by making the church the ultimate authority on all things, shame you into doing what the church wants.

When Chris talked about 3 years he spent essentially being reprogrammed it sounded like hell, and I could not help but draw parallels to my mission. No outside contact, never allowed to be alone, constant study of only approved materials, constant prodding to get you to confess everything. Again my mission was not near as bad as his trauma, but the parallels where there.

It just makes you wonder, and frankly it is a little scary how an organization can exert such control over its members who seem to willingly go along with it, no matter how crazy it is.
Last edited by 1smartdodog on Wed Oct 30, 2019 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scientology on Mormon Stories

Post by crossmyheart »

About 10 years ago a co-worker who knew nothing of the church asked me to explain what we believe. I had served a mission and had no trouble trying to convert others- but that was the first time I felt like I was completely insane while describing the church's history. Trying to explain to an intelligent, forward thinking person about all of these crazy angelic visions and revelations- finally made me realize how bat-shit crazy our beliefs really are. Yet- the day before at church it was all so normal.

That wasn't my breaking point- but it was a big crack. I can only imagine the self-immolation one would go through after realizing what they put up with at the hands of Scientology was all for nothing. I still beat myself up over the lost time and money given to the corporation. I am working hard at moving on, but it is tough to do that with most of my family all-in. With Scientology- when you leave, you leave alone and lose all contact with loved ones who are all-in. That is something else I cannot imagine going through.

It is easy to have a pity party about how bad we have had it, but there is always someone who had it worse.
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Re: Scientology on Mormon Stories

Post by Redcrown27 »

I saw Chris Shelton on many other Youtube Channels. I like how all the former members of various cults are getting together to compare notes. New friendships are being made through this.

I have enjoyed all the Chris Shelton videos I have seen so far. What I find most sad is that Chris received very little pay for his efforts in the Sea Org ; however Chris shrugged his shoulders and kept working for little pay because he was "saving the world" now he knows better.

Saving the world mentality seems to be the thought process for so many religious cults. There maybe a bit of a "saving the world" thought process in some religion though that thought process is often over shadowed by the thought that God will eventually lead them to where they need to be. If God is indeed leading people to where they need to be then there is no reason to send out people to harass inactive or former members nor should there be so much pressure into bringing in new members.
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