Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

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Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by jfro18 »

Im just venting so feel free to skip this one, but for the second time in three years our massive vacation is to visit my in laws in Europe who decided they'd rather skip seeing their grandchildren for three years and pay the church to work for free.

So far ive had two tours of church buildings out here and nonstop talk about the missionaries. My sister in law also came and her son is in a mission and you can tell how tough it is for her.. she is constantly either contacting him or contacting those in charge of him. Her son is having a rough time so far too, which is even worse considering she refuses to look at the church yet threw him right into it. She ran to my family

My highlight so far is sis-in-law saying the other day how her diet can only drink water/coffee/tea during the day, but it's all water since she can't drink tea... turns out my mother in law is hooked on chia tea and tonight my DW and sis in law both drank hot tea and liked it.

I just can't stand how this church keeps members in a constant state of being an obedient child.

The trip is just underway... hopefully there will be less church as it goes, but im pretty sure it will be the opposite.

But the tea thing cracks me up... if only her mom would say garments are dumb this trip will be a success. 😂

Edit: Oddly enough their mission apt is banned from this site... not sure why, but just using wireless works fine.
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by Red Ryder »

I’ve been on a few of these trips. Some parts are fun while others annoying. Typical vacation problems.

As for NOM being banned: 2 things come to mind.

You just might be in a location that had the whole IP address blocked due to constant spam.

Poland, Russia, for example.

Or the church has an internet filter and is banning NOM.

Enjoy your trip!
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by fetchface »

That sounds like the worst vacation ever. Make the most of it, I guess.

I went to NYC on a vacation with my wife and she wanted to go to the Manhattan temple while she was there, so I just strolled in Central Park for a couple of hours. I really enjoyed that quiet exploration time. If you are "unworthy" due to your high-functioning brain like me maybe you can find yourself on the outside of a snoozefest activity and do some exploring too.
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by Palerider »

This isn't a vacation...... :|

It's more like an obligatory field trip to some of those big sales/motivational meetings for Amway, Mary Kay, and Scientology.

So sorry....

No chance of getting off on your own for some real sightseeing sometime?
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by 2bizE »

Church vacations are the best...
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by jfro18 »

Palerider wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 2:11 pm This isn't a vacation...... :|

It's more like an obligatory field trip to some of those big sales/motivational meetings for Amway, Mary Kay, and Scientology.

So sorry....

No chance of getting off on your own for some real sightseeing sometime?
This is definitely not a vacation... it's a very expensive church trip.

Luckily the church it's so irrelevant here that outside of tiny buildings there is not much to go to... but that's all they talk about. Right now is a long back and forth about what they hope is in the next hymn book... kill me now.
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by moksha »

jfro18 wrote: Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:35 pm ... turns out my mother in law is hooked on chia tea and tonight my DW and sis in law both drank hot tea and liked it.
Unless those leafy pets have started generating tea, I am guessing letters got transposed and she likes chai. Feeling a religious obligation to avoid one of the world's healthiest drinks certainly is beaucoup silly.

Hope you can also visit some places you want to see to make your trip enjoyable. What's the name of that European street where they sell CTR emblems and vials of olive oil? Think it might be Diagon Alley.
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by jfro18 »

So far today we were taken to the restaurant owned by a member and her parents had the member come over and tell us her conversation story.

I always forget how cringey it gets... and then when I'm around her family it just floods back.

Still laughing that they'll drink tea now as they continue to act as if coffee is evil.

Only 5 more days to go. 😬
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Re: Visiting in laws on a Europe senior mission... such a frustrating trip.

Post by Wonderment »

jfro18 wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2019 4:27 am So far today we were taken to the restaurant owned by a member and her parents had the member come over and tell us her conversation story.

I always forget how cringey it gets... and then when I'm around her family it just floods back.

Still laughing that they'll drink tea now as they continue to act as if coffee is evil.

Only 5 more days to go. 😬
This sounds absolutely horrible, and my heart goes out to you. :roll: You really are doing very well, and you are to be commended. Your story just proves how foolish it all is. How many people are willing to go three years without seeing their grandchildren? Hang in there -- NOM is thinking of you, and this too shall pass. - Wndr.
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