I choose love, full stop.
Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:44 pm
I saw this posted on FB and just love it.
In 1978 the prophet of our church, Spencer W. Kimball, removed the temple and priesthood ban. That meant that black people, who previously were not allowed to hold the priesthood or enter the temple to make covenants and receive blessings, were now allowed to do those things.
I was only a toddler at the time. But if I were an adult during the 60’s and 70’s, I HOPE that ban would’ve bothered me a lot. I HOPE I would have seen black members in my ward who were not allowed to bless or pass the sacrament, and I HOPE I would’ve been appalled. I HOPE I would have seen them waiting outside of the temple during important ordinances and wept. I HOPE I would’ve prayed about the anecdotal reasons that were given at the time (that have since been discredited by an essay produced by the church in 2013) and felt that it just wasn’t right.
Kind of like Dallin H. Oaks who said, during the church’s recent 40th celebration of the lifting of that ban:
"I observed the pain and frustration experienced by those who suffered these restrictions and those who criticized them and sought for reasons. I studied the reasons then being given and could not feel confirmation of the truth of any of them."
(https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.or ... elebration)
I HOPE I would’ve felt those things that Elder Oaks felt. I HOPE I would’ve been brave enough to speak out. I HOPE I would’ve had enough faith in myself and in my church to say out loud that those things were not ok.
I KNOW I feel all of those things now. And I KNOW I can’t sit idly by and not say anything.
I’ve prayed and I’ve prayed to understand our church’s stance on LGBTQ members. I appreciate that the church has always taught that we as members are not only entitled to personal revelation, we are obligated to seek it out. And I have.
Not only have I asked God, I have talked to our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. I have sought , I have asked, I have listened , and I have learned. For hours. For months. For years now.
Because our prophets have said that good inspiration comes from good information.
What I have learned is that God loves them. Full stop. Not “even though..” He just loves them in all their glory. Period.
Even our own doctrine admits that “we don’t know how it happens”. We no longer believe that gay members choose to be gay. That’s why being gay is not considered a sin.
Our church is all about families. We are all about love. This year we have been studying the New Testament and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Because Jesus teaches about love and acceptance more than anything else. What are His great commandments?
Love God.
Love your neighbor (all of them!)
Love yourself.
On these principles hang ALL of the laws and commandments.
So why would God condemn this whole percentage of His children to live alone their whole lives? To run from love? To not have families?
The answer I get to this question when I pray is that He doesn’t.
I’m not trying to change minds. I’m only trying to make my own position clear. So when my people have their own 1978, their own Spencer W. Kimball, I will be on the right side of history.
I need to be clear that I choose love, full stop.
Studies have shown that love and full acceptance of our LGBTQ children can literally saves their lives. They are some of the most susceptible to self loathing and suicidality. I have mourned with those who mourn the loss of these beautiful children of God and I want it to stop.
Statistically speaking, there are a handful of these folks in your ward. They hear you when you call them out from the pulpit. Their families suffer when you disparage them in your Relief Societies, your Elder’s Quorum, your YW and YM classrooms.
They are there, whether you see them or not. And they hurt. We hurt.
Prophets and apostles, though called of God, are human and have been wrong before. About many things.(see policy on blacks and the priesthood. If you’re brave, look up quotes..) We really don’t expect them to be perfect, we never have.
Humans see spiritual things through their own lenses, their own experiences. They see things, “through a glass, darkly”.
Thank goodness we are a living, breathing, changing church. The 9th article of faith is still in full affect:
“9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.”
The Heavens are not closed.
I love my church. I can say that I sustain my leaders. In the second definition of the Mcmillan dictionary it says, “ Sustain :FORMAL to give someone strength, energy, or hope” I love them as children of God. I pray for them. I consider very carefully and respectfully what they say. But I don’t believe my church requires me to agree with everything all of them say. I am grateful for that.
If you have read this whole thing, thank you. It’s just my opinion, and where I stand personally. Please be kind to each other in the comments..
Edited to add, for those who have asked, i made it shareable