I need help. Im so lost, I hurt, she hurts. I have no hope.
Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:02 am
This is a call for help. It's been a few months since my last post so I guess this is an update of where I'm at. I posted this to reddit but I find the discussion and insights here more helpful. It contains juicy tidbits and talk about sex in general
This will be a long post. I'm desperate and need advice. I need to hear if I'm so in the wrong or if I am crazy or if I am stupid.
Background. I met my wife as a Mormon Missionary in another country. I am currently transitioning out of the church. We have been married for 10 years and have a child together. I found internet porn like most of my generation as a teenager. In a very sexually repressed culture I would occasionally partake and of course feel shame and guilt and then not talk to anyone about it. Looking back I can say that when we got married we never had a realistic talk about sex, our attitudes, our expectations. My viewpoint was very skewed from learning about sex through the internet and hers was a very hopelessly romantic viewpoint. some years into our marriage I was having self esteem issues and was beginning to look at porn at work and realized that I had a problem and I couldn't just stop. She was very hurt but she was also understanding and we counseled with our Bishop at the time who suggested the churches 12 step addiction program. At the time it helped, but I became the porn addict. it became who I was, to myself and to her, and it helped me to go for 2 and 1/2 years without so much as a peep.
She has always felt that I don't trust her (which often equates to I didn't do what you want me to). She has always felt that it was difficult for us to connect emotionally, which for me I have always felt ok with our flow, for her she feels abandoned and unloved, despite me being very caring. From my point of view its like she wants me to be a gusher and I just don't gush on and on about my emotions. She has struggled with depression and anxiety and I have tried to be supportive and help but it always ends up being my fault because I do X or I don't understand her. This led her to an emotional affair. She is super honest and can't hide anything, so she told me about it right away, but I feel that she never took full responsibility for it and just said things like "I stopped it right away" or "I wasn't looking for that to happen". I do love this woman and I want our marriage to work so I forgave her and got over it really quick. I don't beat her up for it and I don't really bring it up to beat her (emotionally/verbally) with it. I mean, I was the porn addict, the first wrong doer, and I crave forgiveness and a return to happier days so if that's what I want then that's what I have to give right? There was a point where she says that I broke her. Our therapist gave us the assignment to dedicate time to talking and not interrupt each other as we talk, there was a night where I just couldn't wait to get it over with, I am uncomfortable sitting and talking about our feelings. That was the point that I broke her. Since then she will not say the words I love you, hold my hand, give me a hug. anything. I thought for a while I could power through, I can say i love you without expecting it back, but it became clear quickly that I am not as strong as I thought, and that in turn has broke me in return.
She has always had a complex because her parents used to fight a lot and her father showed her mother little respect. Her mother once or twice moved out temporarily but never fully left the guy. My wife takes this as a sign of strength. I admire my MIL and yes she is a strong woman, but I am a very respectful and I am a thoughtful husband, but my tolerance for existing in a loveless situation as I am now seeing is very low. Through all of our therapy and talks she doesn't want to hear the word divorce. The fact that I brought it up in a conversation where I was basically saying "look we don't connect and we just hurt each other, maybe we should look at where the line for divorce should be drawn". Two nights ago I brought it up, I asked her why she doesn't want a divorce. It was every reason except "I love you". She wants me to be clear if I want a divorce or not, and my answer is I do not want a divorce but I don't want to be in a marriage where there is no reciprocation of love and where I am always the villian and the source of her pain and driving her into depression and anxiety. I am always the transgressor, or I am never emotional enough or romantic enough. I want us to go back to being happy go lucky. I told her that a part of me wants the divorce yes. I love her and I want to just be us and be happy again but we just circle back to her being miserable and it is my fault.
This lead to last nights discussion. She is anxious and understandably so. She wants to be super clear about everything. We had a lengthy discussion where we talked about a lot of things. We have been unable to get past a certain argument lately. Sexually speaking I am more accepting of behaviors or thoughts than she is. For example, I think a threesome would be something I would try, I think that's why its a fantasy. I know that my partner is not ok with that and her expectation of me is that I fight that thought. I have not asked her for a threesome, but I am supposed to fell/think that it is wrong and awful. The fact that I think that hurts her and she is currently hung up on "you want to be free to fantasize without consequence". My argument to this has become thought are not actions and if I have to think about sex the same way you do then you will never feel safe or loved. I think that unrealistic expectations are being set and she refuses to rethink that. I understand that things hurt people, but I feel that she is setting extreme expectations that will just reinforce her to live in a place of hurt. I feel that this battleground of what I think will only set us up for failure and hurt for her. She has a very romantic view of we are faithful to each other mind body and spirit, while I don't feel that the occasional sex fantasy about another partner is unfaithful and in fact a fairly normal human behavior. She feels this to the point that she feels it is not acceptable to think that another man is sexy. With porn I am willing to say ok i need to stop. 0 porn use is a good goal, healthy for a relationship. But if you are unwilling to express any love to me or there is no hope of sex between us then its just not going to happen. I am willing to say ok when we are together is not a good time to have a sex fantasy, but for her it must apply to my entire life. it must be 100% or none. It is not ok under any circumstances. This even goes to masturbation (which the church teaches is a sin). So last night as I am saying I think these are unrealistic expectations she setup an all or nothing choice. I either have to choose porn, masturbation, and fantasy or choose her. I am currently angry that this is all I am to her. I am angry that I am currently reduced to my bad habits or my vices or the worst things about me.
I am hurt, she is hurt, no one is happy. We were once amazing friends. I don't really want a divorce but I don't see a way that we will ever be in love or intimate again with the way things are. I am afraid that we are just going to continue around the merry go round back to the same spot again and again and again.
I need to know if I have gone full stupid here. I need some heavy relationship advice.
That was my post. I love this girl and I want to work it out but I feel like its a no win situation.
This will be a long post. I'm desperate and need advice. I need to hear if I'm so in the wrong or if I am crazy or if I am stupid.
Background. I met my wife as a Mormon Missionary in another country. I am currently transitioning out of the church. We have been married for 10 years and have a child together. I found internet porn like most of my generation as a teenager. In a very sexually repressed culture I would occasionally partake and of course feel shame and guilt and then not talk to anyone about it. Looking back I can say that when we got married we never had a realistic talk about sex, our attitudes, our expectations. My viewpoint was very skewed from learning about sex through the internet and hers was a very hopelessly romantic viewpoint. some years into our marriage I was having self esteem issues and was beginning to look at porn at work and realized that I had a problem and I couldn't just stop. She was very hurt but she was also understanding and we counseled with our Bishop at the time who suggested the churches 12 step addiction program. At the time it helped, but I became the porn addict. it became who I was, to myself and to her, and it helped me to go for 2 and 1/2 years without so much as a peep.
She has always felt that I don't trust her (which often equates to I didn't do what you want me to). She has always felt that it was difficult for us to connect emotionally, which for me I have always felt ok with our flow, for her she feels abandoned and unloved, despite me being very caring. From my point of view its like she wants me to be a gusher and I just don't gush on and on about my emotions. She has struggled with depression and anxiety and I have tried to be supportive and help but it always ends up being my fault because I do X or I don't understand her. This led her to an emotional affair. She is super honest and can't hide anything, so she told me about it right away, but I feel that she never took full responsibility for it and just said things like "I stopped it right away" or "I wasn't looking for that to happen". I do love this woman and I want our marriage to work so I forgave her and got over it really quick. I don't beat her up for it and I don't really bring it up to beat her (emotionally/verbally) with it. I mean, I was the porn addict, the first wrong doer, and I crave forgiveness and a return to happier days so if that's what I want then that's what I have to give right? There was a point where she says that I broke her. Our therapist gave us the assignment to dedicate time to talking and not interrupt each other as we talk, there was a night where I just couldn't wait to get it over with, I am uncomfortable sitting and talking about our feelings. That was the point that I broke her. Since then she will not say the words I love you, hold my hand, give me a hug. anything. I thought for a while I could power through, I can say i love you without expecting it back, but it became clear quickly that I am not as strong as I thought, and that in turn has broke me in return.
She has always had a complex because her parents used to fight a lot and her father showed her mother little respect. Her mother once or twice moved out temporarily but never fully left the guy. My wife takes this as a sign of strength. I admire my MIL and yes she is a strong woman, but I am a very respectful and I am a thoughtful husband, but my tolerance for existing in a loveless situation as I am now seeing is very low. Through all of our therapy and talks she doesn't want to hear the word divorce. The fact that I brought it up in a conversation where I was basically saying "look we don't connect and we just hurt each other, maybe we should look at where the line for divorce should be drawn". Two nights ago I brought it up, I asked her why she doesn't want a divorce. It was every reason except "I love you". She wants me to be clear if I want a divorce or not, and my answer is I do not want a divorce but I don't want to be in a marriage where there is no reciprocation of love and where I am always the villian and the source of her pain and driving her into depression and anxiety. I am always the transgressor, or I am never emotional enough or romantic enough. I want us to go back to being happy go lucky. I told her that a part of me wants the divorce yes. I love her and I want to just be us and be happy again but we just circle back to her being miserable and it is my fault.
This lead to last nights discussion. She is anxious and understandably so. She wants to be super clear about everything. We had a lengthy discussion where we talked about a lot of things. We have been unable to get past a certain argument lately. Sexually speaking I am more accepting of behaviors or thoughts than she is. For example, I think a threesome would be something I would try, I think that's why its a fantasy. I know that my partner is not ok with that and her expectation of me is that I fight that thought. I have not asked her for a threesome, but I am supposed to fell/think that it is wrong and awful. The fact that I think that hurts her and she is currently hung up on "you want to be free to fantasize without consequence". My argument to this has become thought are not actions and if I have to think about sex the same way you do then you will never feel safe or loved. I think that unrealistic expectations are being set and she refuses to rethink that. I understand that things hurt people, but I feel that she is setting extreme expectations that will just reinforce her to live in a place of hurt. I feel that this battleground of what I think will only set us up for failure and hurt for her. She has a very romantic view of we are faithful to each other mind body and spirit, while I don't feel that the occasional sex fantasy about another partner is unfaithful and in fact a fairly normal human behavior. She feels this to the point that she feels it is not acceptable to think that another man is sexy. With porn I am willing to say ok i need to stop. 0 porn use is a good goal, healthy for a relationship. But if you are unwilling to express any love to me or there is no hope of sex between us then its just not going to happen. I am willing to say ok when we are together is not a good time to have a sex fantasy, but for her it must apply to my entire life. it must be 100% or none. It is not ok under any circumstances. This even goes to masturbation (which the church teaches is a sin). So last night as I am saying I think these are unrealistic expectations she setup an all or nothing choice. I either have to choose porn, masturbation, and fantasy or choose her. I am currently angry that this is all I am to her. I am angry that I am currently reduced to my bad habits or my vices or the worst things about me.
I am hurt, she is hurt, no one is happy. We were once amazing friends. I don't really want a divorce but I don't see a way that we will ever be in love or intimate again with the way things are. I am afraid that we are just going to continue around the merry go round back to the same spot again and again and again.
I need to know if I have gone full stupid here. I need some heavy relationship advice.
That was my post. I love this girl and I want to work it out but I feel like its a no win situation.